Comment on proposed regulations

Learn how to comment on the most recently published proposed regulations. Find open consultations as well as closed consultations with published comments.

On this page

How to comment

Federal departments and agencies allow interested groups, individuals, and Canadians to review and comment on proposed regulations published in Part I of the Canada Gazette before they become official.

You can comment on proposed regulations found in the open consultations section of this page. Once the consultation period is over, you will be able to view all submitted comments in the closed consultations with published comments section of this page.

New feature: File attachments

This new feature allows you to attach any supporting documents such as graphs, tables, facts, briefs that support your comment.

Note: You must use the commenting boxes in order to provide your comments on the proposed regulations. File attachments are for supporting documents only. Comments submitted via the file attachments feature will not be published on the Canada Gazette website.

Video: Have your say with the online commenting feature

Watch this video to better understand the importance of commenting and how to comment on proposed regulations.

Transcript for Have Your Say with the Online Commenting Feature

[Blue squares animate toward the camera before vanishing. A city skyline and horizon pop up from below. Various people of different cultures and accessibility needs move about the sidewalk.]

Narration: “Have your say.”

[A recycling bin is highlighted with a word bubble containing the recycle arrow icon. A bicycle is highlighted with a location marker icon, one of the buildings is highlighted with an eco-friendly electricity icon, another building shows the icon of food, while people on the street have icons for connectivity Wi-Fi and also eco-friendly business.]

Narration: “You may not always realize it, but regulations touch almost every aspect of our daily lives. From the environment, to transportation, to the very food we put on the table.”[The icons line up across the screen as the city and people fade away.]

Narration: “If regulations make such a big impact, shouldn’t you have a say in how they are developed?”(Text on screen: Shouldn’t you have a say? Well, you can, and it’s never been easier!)

Narration: “Well, you can! And it’s never been easier with the Canada Gazette’s online commenting feature!”

[Orange squares flash toward the screen as a person in a circle appears on screen, there are icons around him representing working at heights, ergonomics, duty to accommodate, eco-friendly power and safety.]

Marc: “I can help make my workplace safer for my colleagues and me by commenting on proposed occupational health and safety regulations”

[The circles including the person all zoom away to be replaced with another person and different icons representing, eco-friendly costs, partnerships, eco-friendly commerce, quality and good business.]

Nalini: “My comments mean that I look out for the interests of my small business, keeping my sector sustainable and profitable.”

[The circles including the person all zoom away to be replaced with another person and different icons representing, sanitization and health, food safety, and wireless connectivity are shown.]

Junior: “I can contribute to my family’s health by providing my feedback on regulations that affect the food we eat and the products we use.”

[The circles including the person all zoom away to be replaced with another person and different icons representing, Eco friendly energy, eco-friendly conversation, eco-friendly world, alternative power sources and recycling are shown.)

Jenny: “My input helps draft conservation regulations and recovery programs for the environment and species at risk.”

[Orange and grey squares flash toward the screen.]

(Text on screen: Have Your Say, Too!)

Narration: “Have your say too!

[Various word bubbles pop up above the sentence.]

[The words slide away as a computer screen is shown with the Canada Gazette on screen. The words Canada Gazette fly out from the screen to highlight for a moment, before returning to the computer screen.]

Narration: “In Canada, all proposed regulations are posted on the Canada Gazette website for public consultation.”

[The screen slides over as an orange line forms a square around three words which animate in:]

(Text on screen: Transparency, Democracy, Accountability.)

Narration: “Your comments could help make improvements for all Canadians. They are considered by regulators then posted online after the consultation period.

[The computer screen scrolls down showing services and information.]

[Orange squares flash toward the screen to replace the scene with a bubble containing a person working on a table style device. Word bubbles appear around him as the words appear on screen:]

(Submit your comments)

Narration: “Thanks to the online commenting feature, you can submit your comments directly on any proposed regulation,”

[The person animates away to be replaced with another person with the same word bubbles around them. Text animates below:]

Narration: “, and see them together with comments made by others.”

[The person animates away to bring in a more casually sitting person with thinking bubbles above their head. The thoughts represent visualizations for identity, anonymity and unknown.]

(Text on screen Identify yourself or your organization or submit anonymously.)

Narration: “You can choose to identify yourself or your organization or submit anonymously,”

[The two persons from the previous animations return beside this on as new words animate above and below.]

Narration: “but either way, your feedback is equally important.”

(Text on screen: Be Heard! Your feedback is important!)

[Orange squares flash toward the screen as one of the persons from the circle animations return. Circle containing icons representing, sanitization and health, food safety, and wireless connectivity are shown.]

Junior: “I had my say.”

[They animate away to bring back the person with the icons representing, Eco friendly energy, eco-friendly conversation, eco-friendly world, alternative power sources and recycling.]

Jenny: “I had my say.”

[They animate away to bring back the person with the icons around him representing working at heights, ergonomics, duty to accommodate, eco-friendly power and safety.]

Marc: “I had my say.”

[They animate away to bring back the person with the icons representing, eco-friendly costs, partnerships, eco-friendly commerce, quality and good business.]

Nalini: “I had my say, and you can have your say too!”

[Grey and orange squares flash toward the screen to replace the animation with a computer screen on the left and text on the right. The computer screen displays the Gazette website and the text says:]

(Text on screen: Have Your Say

Narration: “Use the Canada Gazette’s online commenting feature to be heard. Visit, and have your say today.”

[The website scrolls down until the animation fades away]

Government of Canada signature

Canada Wordmark

End of video

Steps to submit your comments

Step 1

Comment on one or more sections or in the general comment box.

Step 2

Identify yourself as an individual, an organization or choose the anonymous option.

Step 3

Submit your comments and any supporting documents. Note: comments must be entered in the commenting boxes. The file attachment feature is strictly for supporting documents such as graphs, tables, facts, briefs that support your comment. Content from file attachments will only be shared with departments and will not be published on the Canada Gazette website.

Comments can also be submitted by email to the individual identified in the Contact section of the proposed regulation before the deadline. 

Open consultations

By-law Amending the Canada Deposit Insurance Corporation Differential Premiums By-law

  • Published on Saturday, October 19, 2024
  • 30-day consultation (until November 18, 2024 11:59 pm EST)

Regulations Amending the Fishery (General) Regulations

  • Published on Saturday, October 12, 2024
  • 30-day consultation (until November 11, 2024 11:59 pm EST)

Regulations Amending the Canada Pension Plan Regulations

  • Published on Saturday, October 5, 2024
  • 30-day consultation (until November 4, 2024 11:59 pm EST)

Regulations Amending the Old Age Security Regulations

  • Published on Saturday, October 5, 2024
  • 30-day consultation (until November 4, 2024 11:59 pm EST)

Regulations Amending the Vessel Operation Restriction Regulations

  • Published on Saturday, September 14, 2024
  • 75-day consultation (until November 28, 2024 11:59 pm EST)

Closed consultations with published comments

Consult all closed consultations with published comments.


Comments posted on our website are made by external sources. The Canada Gazette is not responsible for the accuracy, reliability or relevancy of the comments made by external sources. Comments may only be available in the language they were submitted.

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