Canada Gazette, Part I, Volume 158, Number 50: Toll Information Reporting Regulations
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December 14, 2024
Statutory authority
Canadian Energy Regulator Act
Sponsoring agency
Canadian Energy Regulator
For the Regulatory Impact Analysis Statement, see the Export and Import Reporting Regulations.
General Comment
Notice is given that the Canadian Energy Regulator, subject to the approval of the Governor in Council, proposes to make the annexed Toll Information Reporting Regulations under paragraph 389(1)(d) of the Canadian Energy Regulator Act footnote a.
Interested persons may make representations concerning the proposed Regulations within 45 days after the date of publication of this notice. They are strongly encouraged to use the online commenting feature that is available on the Canada Gazette website but if they use email, mail or any other means, the representations should cite the Canada Gazette, Part I, and the date of publication of this notice, and be sent to Jenni Low, Market Analyst, Regulatory Policy, Canadian Energy Regulator, 517 Tenth Avenue Southwest, Suite 210, Calgary, Alberta T2R 0A8 (fax: 403‑299‑3664; email:
Ottawa, November 28, 2024
Wendy Nixon
Assistant Clerk of the Privy Council
Toll Information Reporting Regulations
Information — quarterly
1 A company that charges tolls must provide to the Regulator, at the end of each three-month period,
- (a) the rate of return on the rate base obtained for that period compared with the rates of return on the rate base authorized by the Commission at the company’s most recent rate hearing or, in the case of a company whose rate of return on the rate base has not been authorized by the Commission, the rate of return on equity for that period;
- (b) if the tolls were determined on the basis of forecast data, information explaining any significant differences between the results obtained from charging the tolls and the forecast data on which the tolls were determined; and
- (c) information respecting capital, traffic, revenues and expenses for that period.
Information — monthly
2 A company that charges tolls must provide to the Regulator, at the end of each month, information respecting traffic for that month.
Incomplete information
3 If a company is informed by the Regulator that the information provided under sections 1 and 2 is incomplete, the company must provide any missing information that the Regulator requires.
4 The Toll Information Regulations footnote 1 are repealed.
Coming into Force
5 These Regulations come into force on the day on which they are registered.
Terms of use and Privacy notice
Terms of use
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Privacy notice
The information you provide is collected under the authority of the Financial Administration Act, the Department of Public Works and Government Services Act, the Canada–United States–Mexico Agreement Implementation Act,and applicable regulators’ enabling statutes for the purpose of collecting comments related to the proposed regulatory changes. Your comments and documents are collected for the purpose of increasing transparency in the regulatory process and making Government more accessible to Canadians.
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The personal information provided is included in Personal Information Bank PSU 938 Outreach Activities. Individuals requesting access to their personal information under the Privacy Act should submit their request to the appropriate regulator with sufficient information for that federal institution to retrieve their personal information. For individuals who choose to submit comments anonymously, requests for their information may not be reasonably retrievable by the government institution.