Vol. 145, No. 49 — December 3, 2011
(An asterisk indicates a notice previously published.)
Canada Revenue Agency
Income Tax Act
Revocation of registration of charities
Canadian Environmental Assessment Agency
Canadian Environmental Assessment Act
Canadian International Trade Tribunal
Information processing and related telecommunications services — Inquiry
Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission
- 2011-720 to 2011-722, 2011-725 to 2011-727, 2011-730 and 2011-731
- * Notice to interested parties
- Part 1 applications
Hazardous Materials Information Review Commission
Hazardous Materials Information Review Act
Filing of a claim for exemption
Environment, Dept. of the
Canadian Environmental Protection Act, 1999
- Order 2011-87-09-02 Amending the Non-domestic Substances List
- Permit No. 4543-2-03539
- Permit No. 4543-2-06692
- Significant New Activity Notice No. 16503
- Significant New Activity Notice No. 16504
Industry, Dept. of
Notice of Vacancy
Public Safety and Emergency Preparedness, Dept. of
Criminal Code
Revocation of designation as fingerprint examiner
Superintendent of Financial Institutions, Office of the
Bank Act
Trust and Loan Companies Act
B2B Trustco — Letters patent of incorporation
Treasury Board Secretariat
Public Service Superannuation Regulations, Canadian Forces Superannuation Regulations and Royal Canadian Mounted Police Superannuation Regulations
- Bonnechere Valley, Township of, registration of title for the Eganville Dam, Ont.
- Canadian Association of Legal Translators, relocation of head office
- EWOS Canada Ltd., finfish aquaculture farm and associated floats in Clayoquot Sound, B.C.
- Kitchener, The Corporation of the City of, extension of Block Line Road in Kitchener, Ont.
- Mapfre Global Risks, Compañía Internacional de Seguros y Reaseguros, S.A., application to establish a Canadian branch (Erratum)
- Nunavut Beneficiaries Scholarship, surrender of charter
- Nunavut Implementation Training Committee Incorporated, surrender of charter
Chief Electoral Officer
Canada Elections Act
Deregistration of a registered electoral district association
House of Commons
* Filing applications for private bills (First Session, Forty-First Parliament)
Environment, Dept. of the
Canadian Environmental Protection Act, 1999
Regulations Amending the Sulphur in Diesel Fuel Regulations
Transport, Dept. of
Aeronautics Act
Regulations Amending the Canadian Aviation Regulations (Parts Ⅰ, VI, and VII)