Canada Gazette, Part I, Volume 158, Number 52: GOVERNMENT NOTICES
December 28, 2024
Notice concerning the availability of an equivalency agreement and of a report that summarizes how any comments or notices of objection were addressed
Pursuant to subsection 10(7) of the Canadian Environmental Protection Act, 1999, notice is hereby given that the Minister of the Environment has entered into and makes available the Agreement on the Equivalency of Federal and Nova Scotia Regulations for the Control of Greenhouse Gas Emissions from Electricity Producers in Nova Scotia, 2025.
Notice is also hereby given pursuant to subsection 10(6) of the Act of the availability of a report summarizing how comments and notices of objection were addressed further to the 60-day public comment period.
The agreement and the report are available as of December 28, 2024, on the Department of the Environment’s Canadian Environmental Protection Act Registry.
Karishma Boroowa
Electricity and Combustion Division
Energy and Transportation Directorate
Environment and Climate Change Canada
Guidelines for Canadian Drinking Water Quality – Iron
Pursuant to subsection 55(3) of the Canadian Environmental Protection Act, 1999, the Minister of Health hereby gives notice of the final Guidelines for Canadian Drinking Water Quality – Iron. The technical document for these guidelines is available on Water Quality - Reports and Publications. This document was publicly consulted for 60 days in 2023 and was updated taking into consideration the comments received.
December 27, 2024
Greg Carreau
Director General
Safe Environments Directorate
On behalf of the Minister of Health
An aesthetic objective (AO) of ≤ 0.1 mg/L (100 µg/L) is established for total iron in drinking water.
Executive summary
This guideline technical document was prepared in collaboration with the Federal-Provincial-Territorial Committee on Drinking Water and assesses all available information on iron.
Iron is a ubiquitous metal in the environment originating from both natural sources and human activities. It occurs mostly in the form of organic and inorganic compounds and, to a lesser extent, in its metallic form. People in Canada are exposed to iron mainly through food and, to a lesser extent, through drinking water, principally because of corrosion in the distribution system or from groundwater supplies. Exposure through drinking water contributes less than 10% of the total daily iron intake.
Health effects
Iron is an essential element for humans. However, short-term oral exposure to very high levels of supplemental iron (>30 mg/day as nonheme iron) or of ingested iron from all sources (total iron intake >45 mg/day) may cause adverse health effects, with gastrointestinal distress being the most sensitive endpoint. The overall weight of scientific evidence indicates that iron is not a reproductive toxicant, a developmental toxicant, or a carcinogen.
Aesthetic considerations
Concerns about iron in drinking water are often related to consumer complaints regarding discoloured water. The AO of ≤ 0.1 mg/L (100 µg/L) is intended to minimize the occurrence of discoloured water due to the presence of iron oxides and to improve consumer confidence in drinking water quality.
Analytical and treatment considerations
The development of a drinking water guideline takes into consideration the ability to measure the contaminant and to remove it from drinking water supplies. Several analytical methods are available for measuring iron in water at concentrations well below the AO.
At the municipal level, treatment technologies that are available to effectively decrease iron concentrations in drinking water include aeration, chemical oxidation, and coagulation followed by granular or membrane filtration, as well as adsorption, and biological filtration. Most well-operated and optimized treatment plants can achieve iron concentrations of 0.1 mg/L or less in the treated water. The AO of ≤ 0.1 mg/L would minimize the occurrence of discoloured water and taste complaints, aid in the removal of co-occurring Mn, ensure that a disinfectant residual is maintained and improve consumer confidence in drinking water quality. Prior to full-scale implementation, bench- and/or pilot-scale studies should be conducted using source water to ensure sufficient iron removal and to optimize performance.
In cases where iron removal is desired at a small-system or household level, for example, a private well, a residential drinking water treatment unit may be an option. Certified residential treatment units for the removal of iron from drinking water are currently available.
Distribution system
The implications of the accumulation and release of iron and co-occurring contaminants of health concern (such as arsenic, lead, manganese and radiological contaminants) in distribution systems have been well documented. Iron corrosion by-products can also deplete the disinfectant residual. It is recommended that water utilities develop a distribution system management plan to minimize the release of iron and the potential for co-occurring contaminants in the system.
Notice No. SMSE-013-24 — Consultation on Changes to Licensing Requirements and Conditions of Licence on Space Debris Mitigation
Notice is hereby given that Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada is releasing Consultation on Changes to Licensing Requirements and Conditions of Licence on Space Debris Mitigation. This consultation addresses proposals for updating the current licensing requirements and conditions of licence for Non-Geostationary Satellite Orbit systems related to the mitigation of space debris, as found in Client Procedures Circular (CPC) 2-6-02.
Interested parties should submit their comments no later than February 26, 2025. Reply comments should be submitted no later than April 7, 2025. All comments and reply comments received will be made available on ISED’s Spectrum Management and Telecommunications website.
Respondents are requested to provide their comments in electronic format (Microsoft Word or Adobe PDF) to the following email address:
All submissions should cite the Canada Gazette, Part I, the publication date, the title, and the notice reference number (SMSE-013-24).
Copies of this notice and of documents referred to herein are available electronically on ISED’s Spectrum Management and Telecommunications website. Official versions of notices can be viewed on the Canada Gazette website.
December 16, 2024
Wen Kwan
Acting Director General
Engineering, Planning and Standards Branch
Spectrum and Telecommunications Sector
Innovation, Science and Economic Development
Government of Canada
Appointment opportunities
We know that our country is stronger — and our government more effective — when decision-makers reflect Canada’s diversity. The Government of Canada has implemented an appointment process that is transparent and merit-based, strives for gender parity, and ensures that Indigenous peoples and minority groups are properly represented in positions of leadership. We continue to search for Canadians who reflect the values that we all embrace: inclusion, honesty, fiscal prudence, and generosity of spirit. Together, we will build a government as diverse as Canada.
We are equally committed to providing a healthy workplace that supports one’s dignity, self-esteem and the ability to work to one’s full potential. With this in mind, all appointees will be expected to take steps to promote and maintain a healthy, respectful and harassment-free work environment.
The Government of Canada is currently seeking applications from diverse and talented Canadians from across the country who are interested in the following positions.
Current opportunities
The following opportunities for appointments to Governor in Council positions are currently open for applications. Every opportunity is open for a minimum of two weeks from the date of posting on the Governor in Council appointments website.
Position | Organization | Closing date |
Director | Bank of Canada | |
Chairperson | Canada Deposit Insurance Corporation | |
Chairperson | Canada Industrial Relations Board | |
Vice-Chairperson | Canada Industrial Relations Board | |
Chairperson | Canada Infrastructure Bank | |
Director | Canada Lands Company Limited | |
President | Canada Water Agency | |
Chief Executive Officer | Canadian Accessibility Standards Development Organization | |
Assistant Chief Commissioner | Canadian Grain Commission | |
President | Canadian High Arctic Research Station | |
Chief Commissioner | Canadian Human Rights Commission | |
Permanent Member | Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission | |
Director | Canadian Tourism Commission | |
President | Canadian Tourism Commission | |
Chairperson | Civilian Review and Complaints Commission for the Royal Canadian Mounted Police | |
Vice-Chairperson | Civilian Review and Complaints Commission for the Royal Canadian Mounted Police | |
Director | Defence Construction (1951) Limited | |
Reviewer | Department of Citizenship and Immigration | |
Member | Employment Insurance Board of Appeal | February 3, 2025 |
Vice-Chairperson | Federal Public Sector Labour Relations and Employment Board | |
Chairperson | First Nations Infrastructure Institute | |
Director | First Nations Infrastructure Institute | |
Director (Federal) | Halifax Port Authority | |
Member | Historic Sites and Monuments Board of Canada | |
Member | National Seniors Council | |
Member | Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council | |
Commissioner of Official Languages | Office of the Commissioner of Official Languages | |
Deputy Director of Public Prosecutions | Office of the Director of Public Prosecutions | |
Ombudsperson for the Department of National Defence and the Canadian Forces | Office of the Ombudsperson for the Department of National Defence and the Canadian Forces | |
Member | Payments in Lieu of Taxes Dispute Advisory Panel | |
Chief Public Health Officer | Public Health Agency of Canada | |
Principal | Royal Military College of Canada | |
Director | Sept-Îles Port Authority | |
Administrator | Ship-source Oil Pollution Fund and Fund for Railway Accidents Involving Designated Goods | |
Co-chair | Sustainable Jobs Partnership Council | |
Member | Sustainable Jobs Partnership Council | |
Chairperson | The Jacques-Cartier and Champlain Bridges Inc. | |
Secretary | The National Battlefields Commission | |
Member | Transportation Appeal Tribunal of Canada | |
Chairperson | VIA Rail Canada Inc. | |
Chairperson | Windsor-Detroit Bridge Authority |