Vol. 145, No. 32 — August 6, 2011
Notice No. HA-2011-008
The Canadian International Trade Tribunal (the Tribunal) will hold a public hearing to consider the appeal referenced hereunder. This hearing will be held beginning at 9:30 a.m., in the Tribunal’s Hearing Room No. 2, 18th Floor, Standard Life Centre, 333 Laurier Avenue W, Ottawa, Ontario. Interested persons planning to attend should contact the Tribunal at 613-998-9908 to obtain further information and to confirm that the hearing will be held as scheduled.
Customs Act
- Komatsu International (Canada) Inc. v. President of the Canada Border Services Agency
Date of Hearing: September 6, 2011
Appeal No.: AP-2010-006
Goods in Issue: Rubber hoses with fittings
Issue: Whether the goods in issue are properly classified under tariff item No. 4009.42.90 as other tubes, pipes and hoses, of vulcanized rubber other than hard rubber, reinforced or otherwise combined with other materials, with fittings, as determined by the President of the Canada Border Services Agency, or should be classified under tariff item No. 8412.90.00 as parts of other engines and motors or, in the alternative, under tariff item No. 8431.49.00 as other parts suitable for use solely with the machinery of heading Nos. 84.25 to 84.30, or, also in the alternative, under tariff item No. 8412.21.00 as linear acting (cylinders) hydraulic power engines and motors, as claimed by Komatsu International (Canada) Inc.
Tariff Items at Issue: Komatsu International (Canada) Inc.— 8412.90.00, 8431.49.00 or 8412.21.00
President of the Canada Border Services Agency— 4009.42.90
July 28, 2011
By order of the Tribunal
Acting Secretary
The Canadian International Trade Tribunal (the Tribunal) has received a complaint (File No. PR-2011-017) from BRC Business Enterprises Ltd. (BRC), of Georgetown, Ontario, concerning a procurement (Solicitation No. E60PQ-090004/B) by the Department of Public Works and Government Services (PWGSC). The solicitation is for freestanding furniture. Pursuant to subsection 30.13(2) of the Canadian International Trade Tribunal Act and subsection 7(2) of the Canadian International Trade Tribunal Procurement Inquiry Regulations, notice is hereby given that the Tribunal has decided to conduct an inquiry into the complaint.
BRC alleges that PWGSC improperly declared its offer non-compliant and failed to evaluate bids in accordance with the express terms of the solicitation documents.
Further information may be obtained from the Secretary, Canadian International Trade Tribunal, Standard Life Centre, 15th Floor, 333 Laurier Avenue W, Ottawa, Ontario K1A 0G7, 613-993-3595 (telephone), 613-990-2439 (fax), secretary@citt-tcce.gc.ca (email).
Ottawa, July 26, 2011
Acting Secretary
The Commission posts on its Web site the decisions, notices of consultation and regulatory policies that it publishes, as well as information bulletins and orders. On April 1, 2011, the Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission Rules of Practice and Procedure came into force. As indicated in Part 1 of these Rules, some broadcasting applications are posted directly on the Commission’s Web site, www.crtc.gc.ca, under “Part 1 Applications.”
To be up to date on all ongoing proceedings, it is important to regularly consult “Today’s Releases” on the Commission’s Web site, which includes daily updates to notices of consultation that have been published and ongoing proceedings, as well as a link to Part 1 applications.
The following documents are abridged versions of the Commission’s original documents. The original documents contain a more detailed outline of the applications, including the locations and addresses where the complete files for the proceeding may be examined. These documents are posted on the Commission’s Web site and may also be examined at the Commission’s offices and public examination rooms. Furthermore, all documents relating to a proceeding, including the notices and applications, are posted on the Commission’s Web site under “Public Proceedings.”
The following applications were posted on the Commission’s Web site between July 22 and July 28, 2011:
Canadian Broadcasting Corporation
Québec, Quebec
Amendment to the technical parameters of CBVE-TV transmitter
Deadline for submission of interventions, comments and/or answers: August 1, 2011
Canadian Broadcasting Corporation
Trois-Rivières, Quebec
Amendment to the technical parameters of CBMT-1 transmitter
Deadline for submission of interventions, comments and/or answers: August 1, 2011
Canadian Broadcasting Corporation
London, Ontario
Amendment to the technical parameters of CBLFT-9 transmitter
Deadline for submission of interventions, comments and/or answers: August 2, 2011
Canadian Broadcasting Corporation
Kitchener, Ontario
Amendment to the technical parameters of CBLFT-8 transmitter
Deadline for submission of interventions, comments and/or answers: August 2, 2011
Télé Inter-Rives ltée
Rivière-du-Loup, Quebec
Amendment to the technical parameters of CIMT-TV transmitter
Deadline for submission of interventions, comments and/or answers: August 25, 2011
The complete texts of the decisions summarized below are available from the offices of the CRTC.
2011-440 July 26, 2011
Corus Premium Television Ltd.
New Westminster, British Columbia
Approved — Application to change the technical parameters of the English-language commercial radio station CFMI-FM New Westminster.
2011-441 July 27, 2011
Various licensees
Across Canada
Group-based licence renewals for English-language television groups — Introductory decision.
2011-444 July 27, 2011
Bell Media Inc., on behalf of itself and various licensees
Across Canada
Approved — Renewal of the broadcasting licences for the various television services affiliated with the Bell Media Inc. broadcasting ownership group from September 1, 2011, to August 31, 2016.
2011-445 July 27, 2011
Shaw Media Inc., on behalf of various licensees
Various locations and across Canada
Approved — Renewal of the broadcasting licences for the various television services affiliated with the Shaw Media Inc. broadcasting ownership group from September 1, 2011, to August 31, 2016.
2011-446 July 27, 2011
Corus Entertainment Inc., on behalf of various licensees
Across Canada
Approved — Renewal of the broadcasting licences for the various television services affiliated with the Corus Entertainment Inc. broadcasting ownership group from September 1, 2011, to August 31, 2016.
2011-447 July 27, 2011
Rogers Media Inc., on behalf of Rogers Broadcasting Limited and Rogers Sportsnet Inc. Across Canada
Approved — Renewal of the broadcasting licences for the various television services affiliated with the Rogers Media Inc. broadcasting ownership group from September 1, 2011, to August 31, 2014.
2011-448 July 27, 2011
Shaw Cablesystems Limited
Kenora, Ontario
Approved — Renewal of the broadcasting licence for the conventional television station CJBN-TV Kenora from September 1, 2011, to August 31, 2016.
2011-449 July 28, 2011
CIAM Media & Radio Broadcasting Association
Various locations in British Columbia and Alberta
Approved — Applications to amend the broadcasting licence for the Type B community radio station CIAM-FM Fort Vermilion by adding low-power transmitters in Prespatou and Dawson Creek, British Columbia, and Three Hills, Alberta.
2011-450 July 28, 2011
AEBC Internet Corp.
Vancouver and the Lower Mainland, British Columbia
Approved — Application for a broadcasting licence to operate a terrestrial broadcasting distribution undertaking to serve Vancouver and the Lower Mainland.
Citric acid and certain citrate salts from Canada
Notice is hereby given, pursuant to subrule 78(a) of the NAFTA Article 1904 Panel Rules, that the binational panel review of the Final Results of the Antidumping Duty Administrative Review made by the United States Department of Commerce, International Trade Administration, concerning Citric Acid and Certain Citrate Salts from Canada was terminated effective July 26, 2011, the day on which the Consent Motion to terminate this panel review was filed (Secretariat File No. USA-CDA-2011-1904-03).
Explanatory note
Chapter 19 of the North American Free Trade Agreement establishes a procedure for replacing domestic judicial review of determinations in antidumping and countervailing duty cases involving imports from a NAFTA country with review by binational panels.
These panels are established, when a Request for Panel Review is received by the NAFTA Secretariat, to act in place of national courts to review final determinations expeditiously to determine whether they are in accordance with the antidumping or countervailing duty law of the country that made the determination.
Under Article 1904 of the North American Free Trade Agreement which came into force on January 1, 1994, the Government of Canada, the Government of the United States and the Government of Mexico established the Rules of Procedure for Article 1904 Binational Panel Reviews. These Rules were published in the Canada Gazette, Part I, on January 1, 1994.
Requests for information concerning the present notice, or concerning the NAFTA Article 1904 Panel Rules, should be addressed to the Canadian Secretary, Trade Agreements and NAFTA Secretariat, 111 Sussex Drive, 5th Floor, Ottawa, Ontario K1N 1J1, 613-992-9388.
Canadian Secretary
TransCanada Power Marketing Ltd.
By an application dated August 4, 2011, TransCanada Power Marketing Ltd. (the “Applicant”) has applied to the National Energy Board (the “Board”), under Division II of Part VI of the National Energy Board Act (the “Act”), for authorization to export up to 2 000 GWh of firm energy and up to 2 000 GWh of interruptible energy annually for a period of 10 years. The Applicant, or its affiliates, has an interest in the following generation or transmission facilities in Canada:
- Bear Creek Cogeneration Plant
- Cancarb Waste Heat Recovery Plant
- Carseland Cogeneration Plant
- MacKay River Plant
- Redwater Cogeneration Plant
- Wildhorse Transmission Line
- Portlands Energy Centre
- Halton Hills Generating Station
- Bruce Power
- Centrale Cogénération de Bécancour
- Cartier Wind Entities
New Brunswick
- Grandview Cogeneration Plant
The Board wishes to obtain the views of interested parties on this application before issuing a permit or recommending to the Governor in Council that a public hearing be held. The directions on procedure that follow explain in detail the procedure that will be used.
1. The Applicant shall deposit and keep on file, for public inspection during normal business hours, copies of the application at its offices located at 450 1st Street SW, Calgary, Alberta T2P 5H1 (please contact Frank Karabetsos at 403-920-6373). A copy of the application is also available for viewing during normal business hours in the Board’s library, at 444 Seventh Avenue SW, Room 1002, Calgary, Alberta T2P 0X8, or online at www.neb-one.gc.ca.
2. Submissions that any party wishes to present shall be filed with the Secretary, National Energy Board, 444 Seventh Avenue SW, Calgary, Alberta T2P 0X8, 403-292-5503 (fax), and served on the Applicant by September 6, 2011.
3. Pursuant to subsection 119.06(2) of the Act, the Board shall have regard to all considerations that appear to it to be relevant. In particular, the Board is interested in the views of submitters with respect to
- (a) the effect of the exportation of the electricity on provinces other than that from which the electricity is to be exported;
- (b) the impact of the exportation on the environment; and
- (c) whether the Applicant has
- (i) informed those who have declared an interest in buying electricity for consumption in Canada of the quantities and classes of service available for sale, and
- (ii) given an opportunity to purchase electricity on terms and conditions as favourable as the terms and conditions specified in the application to those who, within a reasonable time of being so informed, demonstrate an intention to buy electricity for consumption in Canada.
- (i) informed those who have declared an interest in buying electricity for consumption in Canada of the quantities and classes of service available for sale, and
4. Any answer to submissions that the Applicant wishes to present in response to items 2 and 3 of this notice of application and directions on procedure shall be filed with the Secretary of the Board and served on the party that filed the submission by September 21, 2011.
5. For further information on the procedures governing the Board’s examination, contact the Secretary of the Board at 403-299-2714 (telephone) or 403-292-5503 (fax).
Permission and leave granted
The Public Service Commission of Canada, pursuant to section 116 of the Public Service Employment Act, hereby gives notice that it has granted permission, pursuant to subsection 114(4) of the said Act, to Emmanuel Houle, Administrative Assistant (AS-01), Department of Fisheries and Oceans, Ottawa, Ontario, to allow him to seek nomination as, and be, a candidate before the election period in the provincial election for the electoral district of Ottawa-Vanier, Ontario, to be held on October 6, 2011.
The Public Service Commission of Canada, pursuant to subsection 114(5) of the said Act, has also granted a leave of absence without pay during the election period, effective at close of business on the first day of the election period, to allow him to be a candidate during the election.
July 25, 2011