Regulations Amending the Canadian Chicken Licensing Regulations: SOR/2024-285
Canada Gazette, Part II, Volume 159, Number 1
SOR/2024-285 December 16, 2024
Whereas the Governor in Council has, by the Chicken Farmers of Canada Proclamation footnote a, established Chicken Farmers of Canada under subsection 16(1)footnote b of the Farm Products Agencies Act footnote c;
And whereas Chicken Farmers of Canada has been empowered to implement a marketing plan under that Proclamation;
Therefore, Chicken Farmers of Canada makes the annexed Regulations Amending the Canadian Chicken Licensing Regulations under paragraph 22(1)(f) of the Farm Products Agencies Act footnote c and section 11footnote d of the schedule to the Chicken Farmers of Canada Proclamation footnote a.
Ottawa, December 10, 2024
Regulations Amending the Canadian Chicken Licensing Regulations
1 Subsection 5(7) of the Canadian Chicken Licensing Regulations footnote 1 is amended by adding the following after paragraph (e):
- (e.1) the licensee must market the specialty chicken in classes 2 to 12 with the head and feet unsevered;
2 The note at the end of Schedule 4 to the Regulations is repealed.
Coming into Force
3 These Regulations come into force on the day on which they are registered.
(This note is not part of the Regulations.)
These Regulations amend the Canadian Chicken Licensing Regulations to respond to recommendations made by the Department of Justice Canada to align with regulatory drafting conventions.