Regulations Amending the Territorial Coal Regulations and the Territorial Land Use Regulations (Miscellaneous Program): SOR/2024-281

Canada Gazette, Part II, Volume 159, Number 1

SOR/2024-281 December 16, 2024


P.C. 2024-1337 December 16, 2024

Her Excellency the Governor General in Council, on the recommendation of the Minister of Northern Affairs, makes the annexed Regulations Amending the Territorial Coal Regulations and the Territorial Land Use Regulations (Miscellaneous Program) under section 23footnote a of the Territorial Lands Act footnote b.

Regulations Amending the Territorial Coal Regulations and the Territorial Land Use Regulations (Miscellaneous Program)

Territorial Coal Regulations

1 The definitions Chief and Minister in section 2 of the Territorial Coal Regulations footnote 1 are replaced by the following:

means the Director, Lands, of the Nunavut Regional Office of the Department of Crown-Indigenous Relations and Northern Affairs; (chef)
means the Minister of Northern Affairs; (ministre)

2 Section 34 of the Regulations and the heading before it are replaced by the following:

Indians and Inuit

34 In isolated portions of the Northwest Territories, Indians and Inuit who apply for permission to mine small quantities of coal may be granted permission to do so by an agent of territorial lands or a member of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police stationed in the area, free of charge, without being required to make an application under these Regulations.

Territorial Land Use Regulations

3 The definition Minister in section 2 of the Territorial Land Use Regulations footnote 2 is replaced by the following:

means the Minister of Northern Affairs; (ministre)

4 The portion of subsection 15(2) of the English version of the Regulations before paragraph (a) is replaced by the following:

(2) Where a topographic or geodetic monument is damaged, destroyed, moved or altered in the course of a land use operation, the permittee shall

Coming into Force

5 These Regulations come into force on the day on which they are registered.

N.B. The Regulatory Impact Analysis Statement for these Regulations appears following SOR/2024-277, Regulations Amending Certain Regulations Made Under the First Nations Fiscal Management Act (Miscellaneous Program).