Regulations Amending the Indian Estates Regulations and the Indian Referendum Regulations (Miscellaneous Program): SOR/2024-280

Canada Gazette, Part II, Volume 159, Number 1

SOR/2024-280 December 16, 2024


P.C. 2024-1336 December 16, 2024

Her Excellency the Governor General in Council, on the recommendation of the Minister of Indigenous Services, makes the annexed Regulations Amending the Indian Estates Regulations and the Indian Referendum Regulations (Miscellaneous Program) under subsection 73(3) of the Indian Act footnote a.

Regulations Amending the Indian Estates Regulations and the Indian Referendum Regulations (Miscellaneous Program)

Indian Estates Regulations

1 The definition Minister in section 2 of the Indian Estates Regulations footnote 1 is repealed.

2 Subsection 11(1) of the Regulations is replaced by the following:

11 (1) The Minister may appoint an officer of the Department to be the administrator of estates and to supervise the administration of estates and of all the assets of deceased Indians, and may provide that for the purposes of closing an estate the administration of the estate be transferred to the superintendent of the reserve to which the deceased belonged.

Indian Referendum Regulations

3 (1) The definition Minister in section 2 of the Indian Referendum Regulations footnote 2 is repealed.

(2) The definitions Assistant Deputy Minister and electoral officer in section 2 of the Regulations are replaced by the following:

Assistant Deputy Minister
means the Assistant Deputy Minister, Lands and Economic Development; (sous-ministre adjoint)
electoral officer
means the person in charge of the local office of the Department or any officer of the Department acting under the direction of the Minister or Assistant Deputy Minister for the purposes of a referendum; (président d’élection)

4 Paragraph 5.1(1)(a) of the Regulations is replaced by the following:

5 Paragraph 11(b) of the Regulations is replaced by the following:

6 The Regulations are amended by replacing “Department of Indian Affairs and Northern Development” with “Department” in the following provisions:

Coming into Force

7 These Regulations come into force on the day on which they are registered.

N.B. The Regulatory Impact Analysis Statement for these Regulations appears following SOR/2024-277, Regulations Amending Certain Regulations Made Under the First Nations Fiscal Management Act (Miscellaneous Program).