Regulations Amending the First Nations Oil and Gas and Moneys Management Voting Regulations (Miscellaneous Program): SOR/2024-279
Canada Gazette, Part II, Volume 159, Number 1
SOR/2024-279 December 16, 2024
P.C. 2024-1335 December 16, 2024
Her Excellency the Governor General in Council, on the recommendation of the Minister of Indigenous Services, makes the annexed Regulations Amending the First Nations Oil and Gas and Moneys Management Voting Regulations (Miscellaneous Program) under paragraph 62(a) of the First Nations Oil and Gas and Moneys Management Act footnote a.
Regulations Amending the First Nations Oil and Gas and Moneys Management Voting Regulations (Miscellaneous Program)
1 (1) The definition Assistant Deputy Minister in section 1 of the First Nations Oil and Gas and Moneys Management Voting Regulations footnote 1 is replaced by the following:
- Assistant Deputy Minister
- means the Assistant Deputy Minister, Lands and Economic Development, Department of Indigenous Services. (sous-ministre adjoint)
(2) The definition first nation membership number in section 1 of the English version of the Regulations is replaced by the following:
- First Nation membership number
- means the number assigned to a First Nation member on the Band List of the First Nation. (numéro de membre de la première nation)
(3) Section 1 of the Regulations is amended by adding the following in alphabetical order:
- Senior Assistant Deputy Minister
- means the Senior Assistant Deputy Minister, Regional Operations Sector, Department of Indigenous Services. (sous-ministre adjoint principal)
(4) Section 1 of the English version of the Regulations is amended by adding the following in alphabetical order:
- First Nation
- has the same meaning as first nation in subsection 2(1) of the Act. (Version anglaise seulement)
- First Nation member
- has the same meaning as first nation member in subsection 2(1) of the Act. (Version anglaise seulement)
2 Subparagraph 27(b)(i) of the Regulations is replaced by the following:
- (i) the Assistant Deputy Minister, in the case of a vote held under section 17 of the Act, or the Senior Assistant Deputy Minister, in the case of a vote held under section 18 of the Act,
3 Subsection 29(2) of the Regulations is replaced by the following:
Procedure for request
(2) A request for a review of a vote must be forwarded to the Minister, by registered mail addressed to the Assistant Deputy Minister, in the case of a vote held under section 17 of the Act, or the Senior Assistant Deputy Minister, in the case of a vote held under section 18 of the Act, within 30 days after the day of the vote. The request must include a declaration signed in the presence of a witness who is at least 18 years of age that contains the grounds for requesting the review and any other relevant information.
4 The Regulations are amended by replacing “Department of Indian Affairs and Northern Development” with “Department of Indigenous Services” in the following provisions:
- (a) paragraph 5(1)(b);
- (b) paragraph 6(b);
- (c) paragraph 25(2)(b); and
- (d) subparagraph 27(b)(ii).
5 The English version of the Regulations is amended by replacing “first nation” with “First Nation” in the following provisions:
- (a) the definitions electoral officer and reserve in section 1;
- (b) the portion of subsection 3(1) before paragraph (a);
- (c) paragraphs 4(a) to (c);
- (d) paragraphs 5(1)(a) and (b), (2)(b) and (5)(a);
- (e) paragraphs 6(a) and (b);
- (f) paragraph 7(1)(b);
- (g) paragraph 8(b);
- (h) subsections 9(1) and (2) and paragraphs 9(3)(b) and (c);
- (i) the portion of section 10 before paragraph (a);
- (j) the portion of section 24 before paragraph (a);
- (k) the portion of subsection 25(1) before paragraph (a) and paragraph 25(2)(a);
- (l) paragraph 27(a) and subparagraph 27(b)(iii);
- (m) section 30; and
- (n) the schedule.
Coming into Force
6 These Regulations come into force on the day on which they are registered.
N.B. The Regulatory Impact Analysis Statement for these Regulations appears following SOR/2024-277, Regulations Amending Certain Regulations Made Under the First Nations Fiscal Management Act (Miscellaneous Program).