Canada Gazette, Part I, Volume 158, Number 41: SUPPLEMENT

October 12, 2024



SOCAN Tariff 4.A – Popular Music Concerts (2018-2024)

Notice is hereby given that the supplement bearing the above-mentioned title, published in the Canada Gazette, Part I, Vol. 154, No. 18, on Saturday, May 4, 2024, contained errors.

The term “lounges” at paragraph 4(b) in the “Application” section of the French version is replaced by the term “foyers.”

The term “royalty fees” is replaced by the term “fees” in the English version wherever it refers to the term “cachets” of the French version.

For ease of reference, the corrected version of the notice can be found on the next page.


SOCAN Tariff 4.A – Popular Music Concerts (2018-2024)

Citation: SOCAN Tariff 4.A (2018-2024), 2024 CB 2-T - Erratum

See also: SOCAN Tariff 4.A (2018-2024), 2024 CB 2; SOCAN Tariff 4.A (2018-2024), 2024 CB 2-T

Published pursuant to section 70.1 of the Copyright Act

Greg Gallo
Acting Secretary General
1‑833‑860‑7131 (toll-free number) (email)

Tariff 4.A



1. In this tariff,

“Free concert” includes, with respect to festivals, celebrations and other similar events, a concert for which no separate admission charge is made.

“Performers” include DJs when they are the featured performer and their identity forms part of material used to promote the event.


2. This tariff sets the royalties to be paid for the performance and authorization to perform, by means of performers in person at a concert in the years 2018-2024, of any or all of the works in SOCAN’s repertoire, at concert halls, theatres and other places where entertainment is presented, including open-air events.

3. For greater certainty, this tariff applies to the performance of musical works by lip synching or miming.

4. This tariff does not apply to

5. Users may elect to pay royalties and file reports under either section 6 (per event royalties) or section 7 (annual royalties).

Per Event Royalties (“Tariff 4.A.1”)

6. (1) The royalty fee payable per concert is

(2) In addition to the reporting required by section 8, users that elect to pay royalties under section 6 shall, no later than 30 days after the concert,

Annual Royalties (“Tariff 4.A.2”)

7. (1) The annual royalty fee payable per concert is

(2) Users that elect to pay royalties under section 7 shall estimate the royalty fee payable for the year for which the tariff applies, based on the total gross receipts or fees paid for the previous year, and shall pay any such estimated royalty fee to SOCAN on or before January 31 of the year for which the tariff applies. Payment of the royalty fee shall be accompanied by a report of the gross receipts or fees paid for the previous year.

(3) If the gross receipts or fees paid reported for the previous year were not based on the entire year, payment of this royalty fee shall be accompanied by a report estimating the gross receipts or fees paid for the entire year for which the tariff applies.

(4) On or before January 31 of the following year, a report shall be made of the actual gross receipts or fees paid during the calendar year for which the tariff applies, an adjustment of the royalty fee payable to SOCAN shall be made, and any additional royalty fees due on the basis of the actual gross receipts or fees paid. If the royalty fee due is less than the amount paid, SOCAN shall credit the user with the amount of the overpayment.


8. Regardless of the user’s election under section 5, the user shall, no later than 30 days after the concert,

Administrative Provisions

9. SOCAN shall have the right to audit the user’s books and records, on reasonable notice and during normal business hours, to verify the statements rendered and the royalty fee payable by the user.

10. Any amount not received by the due date shall bear interest from that date until the date the amount is received. Interest shall be calculated daily, at a rate equal to 1% above the Bank Rate effective on the last day of the previous month (as published by the Bank of Canada). Interest shall not compound.

11. All amounts payable under this tariff are exclusive of any federal, provincial or other governmental taxes or levies of any kind.