Canada Gazette, Part I, Volume 155, Number 7: SUPPLEMENT

February 13, 2021

SUPPLEMENT Vol. 155, No. 7

Canada Gazette

Part I

OTTAWA, Saturday, February 13, 2021



Notice with respect to reporting of greenhouse gases (GHGs) for 2020

Notice is hereby given, pursuant to subsection 46(1) of the Canadian Environmental Protection Act, 1999 (the Act), that, with respect to emissions of greenhouse gases (GHGs) identified in Schedule 1 to this notice and for the purpose of conducting research, creating an inventory of data, formulating objectives and codes of practice, issuing guidelines or assessing or reporting on the state of the environment, any person who operates a facility described in Schedule 3 to this notice during the 2020 calendar year, and who possesses or who may reasonably be expected to have access to information described in Schedules 4 through 18 to this notice, shall provide the Minister of the Environment with this information no later than June 1, 2021.

Persons subject to this notice shall submit the information required by this notice using the Environment and Climate Change Canada (ECCC) Single Window system. Enquiries regarding this notice may be addressed to the following address:

Greenhouse Gas Reporting Program
Pollutant Inventories and Reporting Division
Environment and Climate Change Canada
Place Vincent Massey, 7th Floor
351 Saint-Joseph Boulevard
Gatineau, Quebec
K1A 0H3
Telephone: 819‑938‑3258 or 1‑877‑877‑8375

This notice applies to the calendar year 2020. Pursuant to subsection 46(8) of the Act, any person subject to this notice shall keep copies of the information required by this notice, together with any calculations, measurements and other data on which the information is based, at the facility to which the calculations, measurements and other data relate, or at the facility's parent company, located in Canada, for a period of three years from the date the information is required to be submitted. Where the person chooses to keep the information required by the notice, together with any calculations, measurements and other data, at the facility's parent company in Canada, that person shall inform the Minister of the civic address of that parent company.

If a person who operates a facility with respect to which information was submitted in response to the Notice with respect to reporting of greenhouse gases (GHGs) for 2019 determines that the facility does not meet the criteria set out in Schedule 3 of this notice, the person shall notify the Minister of the Environment that the facility does not meet those criteria no later than June 1, 2021.

The Minister of the Environment intends to publish information on greenhouse gas emission totals by gas per facility provided in response to this notice. Pursuant to section 51 of the Act, any person who provides information in response to this notice may submit, with their information and no later than the deadline for submission, a written request that the information be treated as confidential based on the reasons set out in section 52 of the Act. The person requesting confidential treatment of the information shall indicate which of the reasons stipulated in section 52 of the Act applies to their request. Nevertheless, the Minister may decide to disclose the information submitted in response to this notice, in accordance with subsection 53(3) of the Act.

Every person to whom this notice is directed shall comply with the notice. A person who fails to comply with the requirements of the notice will be liable under the applicable offence provisions of the Act.

Kwasi Nyarko
Acting Director General
Science and Risk Assessment Directorate
On behalf of the Minister of the Environment


Greenhouse Gases

Table 1: Greenhouse gases subject to mandatory reporting
  Greenhouse Gas Formula CAS Registry Number table a1 note a 100-year Global Warming Potential (GWP) table a1 note b
1. Carbon dioxide CO2 124-38-9 1
2. Methane CH4 74-82-8 25
3. Nitrous oxide N2O 10024-97-2 298
4. Sulphur hexafluoride SF6 2551-62-4 22 800
5. HFC-23 CHF3 75-46-7 14 800
6. HFC-32 CH2F2 75-10-5 675
7. HFC-41 CH3F 593-53-3 92
8. HFC-43-10mee C5H2F10 138495-42-8 1 640
9. HFC-125 C2HF5 354-33-6 3 500
10. HFC-134 C2H2F4 (Structure: CHF2CHF2) 359-35-3 1 100
11. HFC-134a C2H2F4 (Structure: CH2FCF3) 811-97-2 1 430
12. HFC-143 C2H3F3 (Structure: CHF2CH2F) 430-66-0 353
13. HFC-143a C2H3F3 (Structure: CF3CH3) 420-46-2 4 470
14. HFC-152a C2H4F2 (Structure: CH3CHF2) 75-37-6 124
15. HFC-227ea C3HF7 431-89-0 3 220
16. HFC-236fa C3H2F6 690-39-1 9 810
17. HFC-245ca C3H3F5 679-86-7 693
18. Perfluoromethane CF4 75-73-0 7 390
19. Perfluoroethane C2F6 76-16-4 12 200
20. Perfluoropropane C3F8 76-19-7 8 830
21. Perfluorobutane C4F10 355-25-9 8 860
22. Perfluorocyclobutane c-C4F8 115-25-3 10 300
23. Perfluoropentane C5F12 678-26-2 9 160
24. Perfluorohexane C6F14 355-42-0 9 300

Table a1 note(s)

Table a1 note a

The Chemical Abstracts Service (CAS) Registry Number is the property of the American Chemical Society, and any use or redistribution, except as required in supporting regulatory requirements and/or for reports to the Government of Canada when the information and the reports are required by law or administrative policy, is not permitted without the prior, written permission of the American Chemical Society.

Return to table a1 note a referrer

Table a1 note b

United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), 2014. FCCC/CP/2013/10/Add.3. Decision 24/CP.19. Revision of the UNFCCC Reporting on annual inventories for Parties included in Annex I to the Convention, November 2013.

Return to table a1 note b referrer



The following definitions apply to this notice and its schedules:

"2006 Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) Guidelines"
means the 2006 IPCC Guidelines for National Greenhouse Gas Inventories, prepared by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change National Greenhouse Gas Inventories Program. [Lignes directrices 2006 du Groupe d'expert intergouvernemental sur l'évolution du climat (GIEC) pour les inventaires nationaux de gaz à effet de serre]
"aluminium production"
means primary processes that are used to manufacture aluminium from alumina, including electrolysis in prebake and Søderberg cells, anode and cathode baking for prebake cells, and green coke calcination. (production d'aluminium)
"ammonia production"
means processes in which ammonia is manufactured from fossil-based feedstock produced by steam reforming of a hydrocarbon. This also includes processes where ammonia is manufactured through the gasification of solid and liquid raw material. (production d'ammoniac)
"base metal production"
means the primary and secondary production processes that are used to recover copper, nickel, zinc, lead, and cobalt. Primary production includes the smelting or refining of base metals from feedstock that comes primarily from ore. Secondary production processes include the recovery of base metals from various feedstock materials, such as recycled metals. Process activities may include the removal of impurities using carbonate flux reagents, the use of reducing agents to extract metals or slag cleaning, and the consumption of carbon electrodes. (production de métaux communs)
means plants or plant materials, animal waste or any product made of either of these, including wood and wood products, charcoal, agricultural residues, biologically derived organic matter in municipal and industrial wastes, landfill gas, bio-alcohols, black liquor, sludge digestion gas and animal- or plant-derived oils. (biomasse)
"bone-dry tonnes"
means biomass solids that contain zero percent (0%) moisture. (tonnes anhydres)
"Canada's 2020 Greenhouse Gas Quantification Requirements"
means the document titled Canada's Greenhouse Gas Quantification Requirements, published by Environment and Climate Change Canada, 2020. (Exigences relatives à la quantification des gaz à effet de serre du Canada pour 2020)
"carbon dioxide equivalent (CO2 eq.)"
means a unit of measure for comparison between greenhouse gases that have different global warming potentials (GWPs).footnote 1 [équivalent en dioxyde de carbone (éq. CO2)]
"CAS Registry Number"
means the Chemical Abstracts Service Registry Number. (numéro d'enregistrement CAS)
"cement production"
means all processes used to manufacture portland, ordinary portland, masonry, pozzolanic or other hydraulic cements. (production de ciment)
means Continuous Emission Monitoring Systems. (SMECE)
"CO2 capture"
means the capture of CO2 at an integrated facility that would otherwise be directly released to the atmosphere. (capture de CO2)
"CO2 emissions from biomass decomposition"
means releases of CO2 resulting from aerobic decomposition of biomass and from the fermentation of biomass. (émissions de CO2 provenant de la décomposition de la biomasse)
"CO2 injection"
means an activity that places captured CO2 into a long-term geological storage site or an enhanced fossil fuel recovery operation. (injection de CO2)
"CO2 recovered"
means the recovery or capture of CO2 at a hydrogen production facility that would typically be delivered for downstream use in other manufacturing industries, used in on-site production or sent to permanent storage. (CO2 récupéré)
"CO2 storage"
means storage of CO2 in a long-term geological formation. (stockage de CO2)
"CO2 transport system"
means a system transporting captured CO2 by any mode. (système de transport de CO2)
"cogeneration unit"
means a fuel combustion device which simultaneously generates electricity and either heat or steam. (unité de cogénération)
"Continuous Emission Monitoring Systems"
means the complete equipment for sampling, conditioning, and analyzing emissions or process parameters and for recording data. (Systèmes de mesure et d'enregistrement en continu des émissions)
means cyclohexane-soluble matter. (MSC)
"electricity generating unit"
means any device that combusts solid, liquid, or gaseous fuel for the purpose of producing electricity either for sale or for use on site. This includes cogeneration units, but excludes portable or emergency generators that have less than 50 kW in nameplate generating capacity or that generate less than 2 MWh during the reporting year. (unité de production d'électricité)
means direct releases to the atmosphere from sources that are located at the facility. (émissions)
"enhanced fossil fuel recovery operation"
means enhanced oil recovery, enhanced natural gas recovery and enhanced coal bed methane recovery. (opération améliorée de récupération des combustibles fossiles)
"ethanol production"
means processes that produce grain ethanol for the use in industrial applications or as a fuel. (production d'éthanol)
means an integrated facility, a pipeline transportation system, or an offshore installation. (installation)
"flaring emissions"
means controlled releases of gases from industrial activities, from the combustion of a gas or liquid stream produced at the facility, the purpose of which is not to produce useful heat or work. This includes releases from waste petroleum incineration; hazardous emission prevention systems (in pilot or active mode); well testing; natural gas gathering systems; natural gas processing plant operations; crude oil production; pipeline operations; petroleum refining; chemical fertilizer production; steel production. (émissions de torchage)
"fossil fuel production and processing"
means the exploration, extraction, processing including refining and upgrading, transmission, storage and use of solid, liquid or gaseous petroleum, coal or natural gas fuels, or any other fuels derived from these sources. (production et transformation de combustibles fossiles)
"fugitive emissions"
means releases from venting, flaring or leakage of gases from fossil fuel production and processing; iron and steel coke oven batteries; CO2 capture, transport, injection and storage infrastructure. (émissions fugitives)
means greenhouse gases referred to in column 1 of Table 1 of Schedule 1. (GES)
means global warming potential. (PRP)
means hydrofluorocarbons listed in items 5 to 17 of column 1 of Table 1 of Schedule 1. (HFC)
"hydrogen production"
means processes that produce hydrogen gas by steam hydrocarbon reforming, partial oxidation of hydrocarbons, or other transformation of hydrocarbon feedstock. This activity may occur at bitumen upgraders; petroleum refineries; chemical plants; fertilizer plants; stand-alone industrial gas producers and, where needed, for purification or synthesis of substances. (production d'hydrogène)
"industrial process emissions"
means releases from an industrial process that involves a chemical or physical reaction, the primary purpose of which is to produce a product, as opposed to useful heat or work. This does not include venting from hydrogen production associated with fossil fuel production and processing. (émissions liées aux procédés industriels)
"industrial product use emissions"
means releases from the use of a product, in an industrial process, that is not involved in a chemical or physical reaction and does not react in the process. This includes releases from the use of SF6, HFCs and PFCs as cover gases, and the use of HFCs and PFCs in foam blowing. This does not include releases of PFCs and HFCs used in refrigeration, air conditioning, semiconductor production, fire extinguishing, solvents, aerosols and releases of SF6 used in explosion protection, leak detection, electronic applications and fire extinguishing. (émissions associées à l'utilisation de produits industriels)
"integrated facility"
means all buildings, equipment, structures, on site transportation machinery, and stationary items that are located on a single site, on multiple sites or between multiple sites that are owned or operated by the same person or persons and that function as a single integrated site. “Integrated facility” excludes public roads. (installation intégrée)
"iron and steel production"
means primary iron and steel production processes, secondary steelmaking processes, iron production processes, coke oven battery production processes, iron ore pellet firing processes, or iron and steel powder processes. (production de fer et d'acier)
"leakage emissions"
 means accidental releases and leaks of gases from fossil fuel production and processing, transmission and distribution; iron and steel coke oven batteries; CO2 capture, transport, injection and storage infrastructure. (émissions dues aux fuites)
"lime production"
means all processes that are used to manufacture a lime product by calcination of limestone or other calcareous materials. (production de chaux)
means the mining, beneficiating or otherwise preparing metallic and non-metallic minerals, including coal. (exploitation minière)
means the North American Industry Classification System. (SCIAN)
"nitric acid production"
means the use of one or more trains to produce weak nitric acid that is 30 to 70 percent in strength. A nitric acid train produces weak nitric acid through the catalytic oxidation of ammonia followed by the absorption of nitrogen oxides by water. The absorber tail gas contains unabsorbed nitrogen oxides, including nitrous oxide emissions that may be reduced by abatement technologies. (production d'acide nitrique)
"offshore installation"
means an offshore drilling unit, production platform or ship, or sub-sea installation that is attached or anchored to the continental shelf of Canada in connection with the exploitation of oil or natural gas. (installation extracôtière)
"on-site transportation emissions"
means releases from machinery used for the transport or movement of substances, materials, equipment or products that are used in the production process at an integrated facility. This includes releases from vehicles without public road licences. (émissions liées au transport sur le site)
"petroleum refining"
means processes used to produce gasoline, aromatics, kerosene, distillate fuel oils, residual fuel oils, lubricants, asphalt, or other products through the refining of crude oil or through redistillation, cracking, rearrangement or reforming of unfinished petroleum derivatives. This includes catalytic cracking units; fluid coking units; delayed coking units; catalytic reforming units; coke calcining units; asphalt blowing operations; blowdown systems; storage tanks; process equipment components (i.e. compressors, pumps, valves, pressure relief devices, flanges, and connectors) in gas service; marine vessel, barge, tanker truck, and similar loading operations; flares; sulphur recovery plants; and non-merchant hydrogen plants that are owned or under the direct control of the refinery owner and operator. This does not include facilities that distill only pipeline transmix or produce lubricants, asphalt paving, roofing, and other saturated materials using already refined petroleum products. (raffinage de pétrole)
means perfluorocarbons listed in items 18 to 24 of column 1 of Table 1 of Schedule 1. (PFC)
"pipeline transportation system"
means all pipelines that are owned or operated by the same person within a province or territory that transport/distribute CO2 or processed natural gas and their associated installations, including meter sets and storage installations but excluding straddle plants or other processing installations. (gazoducs)
"pulp and paper production"
means separating cellulose fibres from other materials in fibre sources to produce pulp, paper and paper products. This includes converting paper into paperboard products, or operating coating and laminating processes. (production de pâtes et papiers)
"reporting company"
means a person who operates one or more facilities that meet the reporting criteria as set out in Schedule 3 of this notice. (société déclarante)
"stationary fuel combustion emissions"
means releases from stationary fuel combustion sources, in which fuel is burned for the purpose of producing useful heat or work. This includes releases from the combustion of waste fuels to produce useful heat or work. (émissions de combustion stationnaire de combustible)
"stationary fuel combustion sources"
means devices that combust solid, liquid, gaseous, or waste fuel for the purpose of producing useful heat or work. This includes boilers, electricity generating units, cogeneration units, combustion turbines, engines, incinerators, process heaters, and other stationary combustion devices, but does not include emergency flares. (sources de combustion stationnaires)
"surface leakage"
means CO2 emitted from geological formations used for long-term storage of CO2. (fuites en surface)
"venting emissions"
means controlled releases of a process or waste gas, including releases of CO2 associated with carbon capture, transport, injection and storage; from hydrogen production associated with fossil fuel production and processing; of casing gas; of gases associated with a liquid or a solution gas; of treater, stabilizer or dehydrator off-gas; of blanket gases; from pneumatic devices which use natural gas as a driver; from compressor start-ups, pipelines and other blowdowns; from metering and regulation station control loops. (émissions d'évacuation)
"waste emissions"
means releases that result from waste disposal activities at a facility including landfilling of solid waste, flaring of landfill gas, and waste incineration. This does not include releases from the combustion of waste fuels to produce useful heat or work, or releases of CO2 from biomass combustion. (émissions des déchets)
"wastewater emissions"
means releases resulting from wastewater and wastewater treatment at a facility. This includes, but is not limited to, releases from flaring of captured gas from wastewater treatment. It does not include releases of CO2 from biomass combustion. (émissions des eaux usées)


Reporting criteria

1. This notice applies to any person who operates

2. Any person who operates a facility described in this notice shall determine whether the facility meets or exceeds the reporting threshold referred to in paragraph 1(a) or (b) using the following equation and the steps described in paragraphs 2(a) to 2(c):

The result of the sum of the total mass of each of the gases or gas species multiplied by their respective global warming potential.


E = total emissions, from all activities occurring at the facility, of a particular GHG in calendar year 2020, expressed in tonnes

GWP = global warming potential of the particular GHG

i = each emission source

3. Any person who operates a facility that is engaged in more than one activity described in paragraph 1(b) shall report emissions for each activity separately, but shall determine whether the facility meets or exceeds the reporting threshold by adding emissions from all activities undertaken at the facility.

4. If the person who operates a facility described in section 1 changes during the 2020 calendar year, the facility operator on December 31, 2020, shall comply with the present notice for the 2020 calendar year. If facility operations terminate during the 2020 calendar year, the last facility operator shall comply with the present notice for the portion of the year during which the operations occurred.


Reportable administrative information

1. Any person who operates a facility described in Schedule 3 of this notice shall, for each facility, submit the following information:

2. The information required by this notice must be accompanied by a Statement of Certification, signed by an authorized officer, indicating that the information submitted is true, accurate and complete.


Basic reporting requirements

1. This schedule applies to any person who operates a facility described in paragraph 1(a) or 1(b) of Schedule 3 of this notice.

2. Any person subject to this schedule shall, for each GHG, submit the following information:

3. Any person subject to this schedule shall

4. Any person subject to this schedule, and to whom any of Schedules 6 to 18 of this notice apply, shall use the methods described in the applicable schedules to produce the information that the person must submit under this schedule, with the following exceptions:

5. Any person subject to this schedule, and to whom none of Schedules 6 through 18 of this notice apply, shall

Table 2: Table for reporting selected GHGs by source category
Greenhouse Gas Emission Source Categories
Stationary Fuel Combustion Emissions Industrial Process Emissions Industrial Product Use Emissions Fugitive On-site Transportation Emissions Waste Emissions Wastewater Emissions
Venting Emissions Flaring Emissions Leakage Emissions
Carbon dioxide (excluding CO2 emissions from biomass combustion, which is to be reported separately) Report Report N/A Report Report Report Report Report Report
Methane Report Report N/A Report Report Report Report Report Report
Nitrous oxide Report Report N/A Report Report Report Report Report Report
Sulphur hexafluoride N/A Report Report N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A
Hydrofluorocarbons N/A Report by gas Report by gas N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A
Perfluorocarbons N/A Report by gas Report by gas N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A
Total (CO2 equivalent) Report Report Report Report Report Report Report Report Report


CO2 capture, CO2 transport, CO2 injection and CO2 storage reporting requirements

1. This schedule applies to any person who operates a facility described in paragraph 1(c) of Schedule 3 of this notice.

2. Any person subject to this schedule shall use the quantification methods for carbon capture, transport and storage described in section 1 of Canada's 2020 Greenhouse Gas Quantification Requirements to report the total annual quantity of CO2

3. Any person subject to this schedule shall use section 1 of Canada's 2020 Greenhouse Gas Quantification Requirements to report the

4. Any person subject to this schedule shall use section 1 of Canada's 2020 Greenhouse Gas Quantification Requirements to report the total annual quantity, expressed in tonnes, of CO2 fugitive emissions from equipment and infrastructure used for

5. Any person subject to this schedule shall report the total annual quantity, expressed in tonnes (t), of CO2 surface leakage from each long-term geological storage site and enhanced fossil fuel recovery operation.

6. Any person subject to this schedule shall use section 1 of Canada's 2020 Greenhouse Gas Quantification Requirements to report the total annual quantity, expressed in tonnes (t), of CO2 venting emissions from equipment and infrastructure used for


Fuel combustion and flaring reporting requirements

1. This schedule applies to any person who operates a facility described in paragraph 1(b) of Schedule 3 of this notice.

2. Any person subject to this schedule and whose facility is classified under NAICS 221112 shall use section 2 of Canada's 2020 Greenhouse Gas Quantification Requirements to report the total annual quantity, expressed in tonnes (t), of CO2, CH4 and N2O emissions, by fuel type and source, from

3. Any person subject to this schedule who is not subject to paragraph 2 of this schedule shall use section 2 of Canada's 2020 Greenhouse Gas Quantification Requirements to report the total annual quantity, expressed in tonnes (t), of CO2, CH4 and N2O emissions, by fuel type and source, from

4. Any person subject to this schedule shall report the methods used to quantify each greenhouse gas under section 2 and section 3 of this schedule, by fuel type and source.

5. Any person subject to this schedule who operates a facility with stacks monitored by CEMS may use the annual emissions data from CEMS to report the total emissions from fuel combustion of CO2, CH4 and N2O. The person shall report their fuel information by fuel type, in accordance with sections 6 and 7 below.

6. Any person subject to this schedule shall, for each fuel used under section 2 and section 3, report the

7. Any person subject to this schedule shall, for each fuel used under section 2 and section 3, report the annual measured and weighted

8. Any person subject to this schedule shall, for each fuel used under section 2 and section 3, report the default CO2, CH4 and N2O emission factors, when using values presented in Table 2-1 to Table 2-11 and in Equation 2-20, Equation 2-22 and Equation 2-23 of Canada's 2020 Greenhouse Gas Quantification Requirements.

9. Any person subject to this schedule shall report, for each fuel, the combustion oxidation factor when applied and provide supporting documentation used in its derivation.

10. Any person subject to this schedule shall, for steam used to quantify emissions under section 2 and section 3 above, report the

11. Any person subject to this schedule and whose facility is classified under NAICS 221112 shall report the annual quantities of

12. Any person subject to this schedule who is not subject to section 2 above shall report the annual quantities of

13. Any person subject to this schedule who operates a co-generator(s) or purchases or sells steam or heat shall report the annual quantities of

14. Any person subject to section 11, section 12 and section 13 of this schedule shall use methods conforming to the Weights and Measures Act to measure the reported annual quantities purchased and sold.

15. Any person subject to this schedule shall submit documentation describing the methodology used, when

16. Any person subject to this schedule, who obtains from a supplier or performs fuel sampling, analysis and consumption measurement, as outlined in section 2.D of Canada's 2020 Greenhouse Gas Quantification Requirements, shall submit a document summarizing fuel quantity, carbon content and higher heating value for all sampling and measurement periods.

17. Any person subject to this schedule is not required to report fuels and their associated emissions when the sum of CO2, CH4 and N2O emissions (excluding CO2 from biomass), in CO2 eq., from the combustion of one or more of these fuels does not exceed 0.5% of the total facility GHG emissions from all fuels combusted (excluding CO2 from biomass combustion).

18. Any person subject to this schedule is not required to report flaring emissions when the sum of CO2, CH4 and N2O emissions, in CO2 eq. from these flare(s) does not exceed 0.5% of the facility total flaring GHG emissions, or 0.05% of facility total combustion GHG emissions, whichever is larger.


Lime production reporting requirements

1. This schedule applies to any person who operates a facility described in subparagraph 1(b)(ii)c. of Schedule 3 of this notice. For fuel combustion and flaring emissions, the person shall report using Schedule 7 of this notice. For lime kilns at pulp and paper facilities, the person shall report using Schedule 17 of this notice.

2. Any person subject to this schedule shall use the greenhouse gas quantification methods in section 3 of Canada's 2020 Greenhouse Gas Quantification Requirements to report the

3. Any person subject to this schedule who uses data from CEMS to report emissions, must report

4. Any person subject to this schedule shall report the methods used to quantify emissions.


Cement production reporting requirements

1. This schedule applies to any person who operates a facility described in subparagraph 1(b)(ii)d. of Schedule 3 of this notice. For fuel combustion and flaring emissions, the person shall report using Schedule 7 of this notice.

2. Any person subject to this schedule shall use the greenhouse gas quantification methods in section 4 of Canada's 2020 Greenhouse Gas Quantification Requirements to report the

3. Any person subject to this schedule who uses data from CEMS to report emissions, must report

4. Any person subject to this schedule shall report the methods used to quantify emissions.


Aluminum production reporting requirements

1. This schedule applies to any person who operates a facility described in subparagraph 1(b)(ii)e. of Schedule 3 of this notice. For fuel combustion and flaring emissions, the person shall report using Schedule 7 of this notice.

2. Any person subject to this schedule shall use the greenhouse gas quantification methods in section 5.A.1 of Canada's 2020 Greenhouse Gas Quantification Requirements to report the

3. Any person subject to this schedule shall use the greenhouse gas quantification methods in section 5.A.2 of Canada's 2020 Greenhouse Gas Quantification Requirements to report the

4. Any person subject to this schedule shall use the greenhouse gas quantification methods in section 5.A.3 of Canada's 2020 Greenhouse Gas Quantification Requirements to report the total annual quantity of CO2 emissions from anode and cathode baking, expressed in tonnes (t).

5. Any person subject to this schedule shall use the greenhouse gas quantification methods in section 5.A.4 of Canada's 2020 Greenhouse Gas Quantification Requirements to report the

6. Any person subject to this schedule shall use the greenhouse gas quantification methods in section 5.A.5 of Canada's 2020 Greenhouse Gas Quantification Requirements to report the

7. Any person subject to this schedule shall use the greenhouse gas quantification methods in section 5.A.6 of Canada's 2020 Greenhouse Gas Quantification Requirements to report the

8. Any person subject to this schedule shall use the greenhouse gas quantification methods in section 5.A.7 of Canada's 2020 Greenhouse Gas Quantification Requirements to report the

9. Any person subject to this schedule shall use the greenhouse gas quantification methods in section 5.A.7 of Canada's 2020 Greenhouse Gas Quantification Requirements to report the

10. Any person subject to this schedule shall use the greenhouse gas quantification methods in section 5.A.8 of Canada's 2020 Greenhouse Gas Quantification Requirements to report the total annual quantity of emissions from SF6 used as a cover gas, expressed in tonnes (t).

11. Any person subject to this schedule shall report the total annual quantity of liquid aluminium production, expressed in tonnes (t).

12. Any person subject to this schedule who uses data from CEMS to report emissions must report

13. Any person subject to this schedule shall report the methods used to quantify emissions.


Iron and steel production reporting requirements

1. This schedule applies to any person who operates a facility described in subparagraph 1(b)(ii)f. of Schedule 3 of this notice. For fuel combustion and flaring emissions, the person shall report using Schedule 7 of this notice.

2. Any person subject to this schedule shall report the

3. Any person subject to this schedule shall use the greenhouse gas quantification methods in section 6.A.1 of Canada's 2020 Greenhouse Gas Quantification Requirements for an induration furnace to report the

4. Any person subject to this schedule shall use the greenhouse gas quantification methods in section 6.A.2 of Canada's 2020 Greenhouse Gas Quantification Requirements for a basic oxygen furnace to report the

5. Any person subject to this schedule and not able to report coke oven battery emissions under Schedule 7 shall use the greenhouse gas quantification methods in section 6.A.3 of Canada's 2020 Greenhouse Gas Quantification Requirements for coke oven battery to report the

6. Any person subject to this schedule shall use the greenhouse gas quantification methods in section 6.A.4 of Canada's 2020 Greenhouse Gas Quantification Requirements for sinter production to report the

7. Any person subject to this schedule shall use the greenhouse gas quantification methods in section 6.A.5 of Canada's 2020 Greenhouse Gas Quantification Requirements for an electric arc furnace to report the

8. Any person subject to this schedule shall use the greenhouse gas quantification methods in section 6.A.6 of Canada's 2020 Greenhouse Gas Quantification Requirements to report the following information in relation to an argon-oxygen decarburization vessel, unless this information is integrated with the information reported under paragraph 4 or 7 of this schedule:

9. Any person subject to this schedule shall use the greenhouse gas quantification methods in section 6.A.7 of Canada's 2020 Greenhouse Gas Quantification Requirements for a direct reduction furnace to report the

10. Any person subject to this schedule shall use the greenhouse gas quantification methods in section 6.A.8 of Canada's 2020 Greenhouse Gas Quantification Requirements for a blast furnace to report the

11. Any person subject to this schedule shall use the greenhouse gas quantification methods in section 6.A.9 of Canada's 2020 Greenhouse Gas Quantification Requirements to report the following information in relation to the ladle furnace, unless this information is integrated with the information reported under paragraph 4 or 7 of this schedule:

12. Any person subject to this schedule shall use the greenhouse gas quantification methods in section 6.B.1 of Canada's 2020 Greenhouse Gas Quantification Requirements for the atomization of molten cast iron to report the

13. Any person subject to this schedule shall use the greenhouse gas quantification methods in section 6.B.2 of Canada's 2020 Greenhouse Gas Quantification Requirements for the decarburization of iron powder to report the

14. Any person subject to this schedule shall use the greenhouse gas quantification methods in section 6.B.3 of Canada's 2020 Greenhouse Gas Quantification Requirements for steel grading to report the

15. Any person subject to this schedule shall use the greenhouse gas quantification methods in section 6.B.4 of Canada's 2020 Greenhouse Gas Quantification Requirements for steel powder annealing to report the

16. Any person subject to this schedule who uses data from CEMS to report emissions, must report

17. Any person subject to this schedule shall report the methods used to quantify emissions.


Electricity and heat generation

1. This schedule applies to any person who operates a facility described in subparagraph 1(b)(ii)g. of Schedule 3 of this notice. For fuel combustion and flaring emissions, the person shall report using Schedule 7 of this notice.

2. Any person subject to this schedule shall use the greenhouse gas quantification methods in section 7 of Canada's 2020 Greenhouse Gas Quantification Requirements to report the

3. Any person subject to this schedule shall report the methods used to quantify emissions.


Ammonia production

1. This schedule applies to any person who operates a facility described in subparagraph 1(b)(ii)h. of Schedule 3 of this notice. For fuel combustion and flaring emissions, the person shall report using Schedule 7 of this notice.

2. Any person subject to this schedule shall use the greenhouse gas quantification methods in section 8.A of Canada's 2020 Greenhouse Gas Quantification Requirements to report the total annual quantity of feedstock consumption, by feedstock type, expressed in

3. Any person subject to this schedule shall, for each feedstock type used under section 3, report the annual weighted average carbon content expressed in

4. Any person subject to this schedule shall use the greenhouse gas quantification methods in section 8.A of Canada's 2020 Greenhouse Gas Quantification Requirements to report the

5. Any person subject to this schedule who uses data from CEMS to report emissions, must report

6. Any person subject to this schedule shall report the methods used to quantify emissions.


Nitric acid production

1. This schedule applies to any person who operates a facility described in subparagraph 1(b)(ii)i. of Schedule 3 of this notice. For fuel combustion and flaring emissions, the person shall report using Schedule 7 of this notice.

2. Any person subject to this schedule shall use the greenhouse gas quantification methods in section 9.A of Canada's 2020 Greenhouse Gas Quantification Requirements to report the

3. Any person subject to this schedule who operates a facility where there is abatement downtime shall report the

4. Any person subject to this schedule who operates a facility where the NOx abatement is integrated within the operating process and cannot be bypassed shall report the annual weighted average N2O emission factor, expressed in kilograms (kg) of N2O/tonnes (t) of nitric acid, 100% acid base.

5. Any person subject to this schedule who uses data from CEMS to report emissions, must report

6. Any person subject to this schedule shall report the methods used to quantify emissions.


Hydrogen production

1. This schedule applies to any person who operates a facility described in subparagraph 1(b)(ii)j. of Schedule 3 of this notice. For fuel combustion and flaring emissions, the person shall report using Schedule 7 of this notice. For ammonia production, the person shall report using Schedule 13 of this notice.

2. Any person subject to this schedule shall use the greenhouse gas quantification methods in section 10.A of Canada's 2020 Greenhouse Gas Quantification Requirements to report the

3. Any person subject to this schedule shall for paragraph 2(b) indicate if the CO2 that is recovered or captured is for downstream use, on-site production or for permanent storage.

4. Any person subject to this schedule shall use the greenhouse gas quantification methods in section 10.A of Canada's 2020 Greenhouse Gas Quantification Requirements to report the total annual quantity of feedstock charged, reported by feedstock type, expressed in

5. Any person subject to this schedule shall, for each feedstock type used under section 4, report the annual weighted average carbon content expressed in

6. Any person subject to this schedule shall, when an accepted Alberta-specific methodology is used to report the emissions under paragraph 2(a), report the quantity of CO2 in the feed gas, by feedstock type, expressed in tonnes (t).

7. Any person subject to this schedule who uses data from CEMS to report emissions, must report

8. Any person subject to this schedule shall report the methods used to quantify emissions.


Petroleum refining

1. This schedule applies to any person who operates a facility described in subparagraph 1(b)(ii)k. of Schedule 3 of this notice. For fuel combustion and flaring emissions, the person shall report using Schedule 7 of this notice. For hydrogen production emissions, the person shall report using Schedule 15 of this notice.

2. Any person subject to this schedule shall use the greenhouse gas quantification methods in section 11.A of Canada's 2020 Greenhouse Gas Quantification Requirements to report the total annual quantity of CO2, CH4, and N2O emissions from catalyst regeneration, expressed in tonnes (t).

3. Any person subject to this schedule shall use the greenhouse gas quantification methods in section 11.B of Canada's 2020 Greenhouse Gas Quantification Requirements to report the total annual quantity of CO2, CH4, and N2O emissions from process vents, expressed in tonnes (t).

4. Any person subject to this schedule shall use the greenhouse gas quantification methods in section 11.C of Canada's 2020 Greenhouse Gas Quantification Requirements to report the total annual quantity of CO2 and CH4 emissions from asphalt production, expressed in tonnes (t).

5. Any person subject to this schedule shall use the greenhouse gas quantification methods in section 11.D of Canada's 2020 Greenhouse Gas Quantification Requirements to report the total annual quantity of CO2 emissions from sulphur recovery units, expressed in tonnes (t). Any person subject to this schedule shall provide documentation of the methodology if they are using a source-specific molar fraction of CO2 in sour gas in Equation 11-14.

6. Any person subject to this schedule shall use the greenhouse gas quantification methods in section 11.F of Canada's 2020 Greenhouse Gas Quantification Requirements to report the total annual quantity of CH4 emissions from above-ground storage tanks, expressed in tonnes (t).

7. Any person subject to this schedule shall use the greenhouse gas quantification methods in section 11.G of Canada's 2020 Greenhouse Gas Quantification Requirements to report the total annual quantity of CH4 and N2O emissions from wastewater treatment plants, expressed in tonnes (t).

8. Any person subject to this schedule shall use the greenhouse gas quantification methods in section 11.H of Canada's 2020 Greenhouse Gas Quantification Requirements to report the total annual quantity of CH4 emissions from oil-water separators, expressed in tonnes (t).

9. Any person subject to this schedule shall use the greenhouse gas quantification methods in section 11.I of Canada's 2020 Greenhouse Gas Quantification Requirements to report the total annual quantity of CH4 emissions from equipment leaks at refineries, expressed in tonnes (t).

10. Any person subject to this schedule shall use the greenhouse gas quantification methods in section 11.J of Canada's 2020 Greenhouse Gas Quantification Requirements to report the total annual quantity of CO2, CH4, and N2O emissions from coking calcining units, expressed in tonnes (t).

11. Any person subject to this schedule shall use the greenhouse gas quantification methods in section 11.K of Canada's 2020 Greenhouse Gas Quantification Requirements to report the total annual quantity of CO2, CH4, and N2O emissions from uncontrolled blowdown systems, expressed in tonnes (t).

12. Any person subject to this schedule shall use the greenhouse gas quantification methods in section 11.L of Canada's 2020 Greenhouse Gas Quantification Requirements to report the total annual quantity of CH4 emissions from loading operations, expressed in tonnes (t).

13. Any person subject to this schedule shall use the greenhouse gas quantification methods in section 11.M of Canada's 2020 Greenhouse Gas Quantification Requirements to report the total annual quantity of CH4 emissions from delayed coking units, expressed in tonnes (t).

14. Any person subject to this schedule shall report, using data available through typical operations, for each of crude oil, propane, butane and ethanol brought into the facility for input into the refining process or as a fuel additive, the

15. Any person subject to this schedule shall, for each feedstock used under sections 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12 and 13, report the total annual

16. Any person subject to this schedule who operates a facility with stacks monitored by CEMS may use the annual emissions data from CEMS to report the emissions and production information under section 2 through section 13. This shall not include the emissions information specified for CEMS in Schedule 7 and Schedule 15 of this notice.

17. Any person subject to this schedule shall report the methods used to quantify emissions.


Pulp and paper production

1. This schedule applies to any person who operates a facility described in subparagraph 1(b)(ii)l. of Schedule 3 of this notice. For fuel combustion and flaring emissions, the person shall report using Schedule 7 of this notice.

2. Any person subject to this schedule shall use the greenhouse gas quantification methods in section 12.A of Canada's 2020 Greenhouse Gas Quantification Requirements to report the

3. Any person subject to this schedule who uses data from CEMS to report emissions, must report

4. Any person subject to this schedule shall report the methods used to quantify emissions.


Base metal production

1. This schedule applies to any person who operates a facility described in subparagraph 1(b)(ii)m. of Schedule 3 of this notice. For fuel combustion and flaring emissions, the person shall report using Schedule 7 of this notice.

2. Any person subject to this schedule shall use the greenhouse gas quantification methods in section 13.A of Canada's 2020 Greenhouse Gas Quantification Requirements to report the

3. Any person subject to this schedule who uses data from CEMS to report emissions, must report

4. Any person subject to this schedule shall report the methods used to quantify emissions.


(This note is not part of the notice.)

The Government of Canada established the Greenhouse Gas Reporting Program (GHGRP) in 2004 to collect and publish greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions information annually from the largest emitting Canadian facilities. Through this mandatory reporting program, a notice is issued in accordance with section 46 of the Canadian Environmental Protection Act, 1999 (the Act) and published annually in the Canada Gazette, outlining the reporting requirements. Operators of facilities that meet the criteria specified in the notice are required to submit their information to Environment and Climate Change Canada by June 1 of each year. The GHGRP is part of Canada's ongoing effort to develop, through a collaborative process with provinces and territories, a harmonized and efficient reporting system that will meet the information needs of all levels of government, provide Canadians with reliable and timely information on greenhouse gas emissions and support regulatory initiatives.

In December 2016, the Government of Canada published the Notice of intent to inform stakeholders of upcoming consultations on proposed changes to the Greenhouse Gas Reporting Program to pursue an expansion to the GHGRP in order to

The notice requiring the reporting of 2017 GHG information, published in December 2017, represented Phase 1 of the expansion. In this phase, the reporting threshold was lowered to require all facilities emitting 10 000 tonnes or more of GHGs (in CO2 eq. units) to report. Specific industry sectors were also required to report additional information, using prescribed methods. These sectors were cement, lime, aluminium, iron and steel producers, as well as facilities involved in CO2 capture, transport, injection and storage activities.

The notice requiring the reporting of 2018 GHG information, published in January 2019, continued the expansion through Phase 2 by requiring more industry sectors to report additional information, using prescribed methods. These sectors were ammonia producers, base metal producers, electric power generation, ethanol producers, hydrogen producers, mining operations (except oil and gas), nitric acid producers, petroleum refineries, and pulp and paper producers.

This notice maintains the requirements of the two initial phases of the expansion and contains only minor changes from the previous year's notice (corrections and clarifications). Further expansion of the program will be assessed in future reporting cycles.

The GHGRP will continue to allow facilities subject to the expanded reporting requirements issued under phases 1 and 2 of the expansion to upload provincial reports for those that are already reporting the same or similar data to provincial programs (in British Columbia, Quebec, Nova Scotia and Newfoundland and Labrador).

Information required to be reported as outlined in this notice will continue to be collected via the Environment and Climate Change Canada (ECCC) Single Window (SW) system. This system currently collects data for ECCC's GHGRP and for British Columbia, Alberta, Ontario, Saskatchewan, Nova Scotia and New Brunswick, to support provincial GHG reporting regulations; and for the National Pollutant Release Inventory, its partners and various other partner programs. Facilities that must report to the GHGRP for 2020 and that are subject to the federal Output-Based Pricing System Regulations will report the information required by each program in separate reports through the same reporting system. Facilities that are not subject to these Regulations are still subject to GHGRP reporting. Further information on the GHGRP and step-by-step instructions on how to navigate the SW system are available on the Program website.

Compliance with the Act is mandatory and specific offences are established by subsection 272.1(1) of the Act. Subsections 272.1(2), (3) and (4) of the Act set the penalties for persons who contravene section 46 of the Act. Offences include the offence of failing to comply with an obligation arising from the present notice and the offence of providing false or misleading information. Penalties include fines, and the amount of the fine can range from a maximum of $25,000 for an individual convicted following summary proceedings to a maximum of $500,000 for a large corporation convicted on indictment. The maximum fines are double for second or subsequent offences.

The text of the Act is available on Justice Canada's website.

The Act is enforced in accordance with the Compliance and Enforcement Policy for the Canadian Environmental Protection Act, 1999. Suspected violations under the Act can be reported to the Enforcement Branch by email at

For more information on the GHGRP, including guidance documents, annual summary reports, and access to reported data, please visit the GHGRP website.