Vol. 145, No. 6 — February 5, 2011

(An asterisk indicates a notice previously published.)


Canada Revenue Agency

Income Tax Act

Revocation of registration of a charity

Canadian International Trade Tribunal

EDP hardware and software — Determination

Notice No. HA-2010-021 — Appeals

Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission

* Addresses of CRTC offices — Interventions


2010-892-1, 2011-41, 2011-42, 2011-48, 2011-51 and 2011-56

Notices of consultation

2011-38 — Notice of applications received

2011-52 — Call for comments on proposed amendments to certain regulations made under the Broadcasting Act to add a new program category

2011-55 — Notice of hearing

Regulatory policies

2011-43 — Revised lists of eligible satellite services — Annual compilation of amendments

2011-45 — Addition of Jewish Life Television to the lists of eligible satellite services for distribution on a digital basis

Competition Tribunal

Competition Act

Application for an order

National Energy Board

Shell Energy North America (US), L.P. — Application to export electricity to the United States


Environment, Dept. of the

Canadian Environmental Protection Act, 1999

Time extension — Mercury releases from dental amalgam waste — Decisions

Finance, Dept. of

Customs Tariff

Invitation to submit views on proposed Most-Favoured-Nation tariff elimination on certain products

Industry, Dept. of


Transport, Dept. of

Aeronautics Act

Interim Order No. 7 Respecting Mail, Cargo and Baggage

Canada Marine Act

Halifax Port Authority — Supplementary letters patent


B E College Alumni Association of Canada, relocation of head office

CANADIAN PAYDAY LOAN ASSOCIATION, relocation of head office

Canines with a Cause, surrender of charter

Community Marine Concepts LP, marina on the north side of Victoria Harbour, B.C.

Diabetes in Motion, relocation of head office


Commissioner of Canada Elections

Canada Elections Act

Compliance agreement

House of Commons

* Filing applications for private bills (Third Session, Fortieth Parliament)


Queen’s University at Kingston