Vol. 146, No. 5 — February 29, 2012


TRIAL : R. v. ______________________________________________________

1. Counsel : Crown _____________________________________

Defence ______________________________________________

2. Judges who are unable to preside because of prior involvement in case, or conflict:



3. Jury Trial Yes checkbox  No checkbox

4. Challenge for Cause Yes checkbox  No checkbox

5. Is a French-speaking judge required?  Yes checkbox  No checkbox

Is a French-speaking jury panel required?  Yes checkbox  No checkbox

6. Trial Date: _______________________________________________________

Should the motions dates be scheduled in advance of Jury selection: Yes checkbox  No checkbox

If yes, suggested dates:_____________________________________________

7. Is the accused in custody: Yes checkbox  No checkbox

8. Will there be an application to have the accused at the counsel table? Yes checkbox  No checkbox

9. Special Needs:

a) Interpreters: Language(s) _______________________________________

Number of interpreters: _______________

Is the interpreter required for:

i) The accused Yes checkbox  No checkbox

ii) Witnesses Yes checkbox  No checkbox

Directions re accused/witnesses meeting before trial:



b) Length of trial: __________________________________________________

c) Child friendly courtroom:  Yes checkbox  No checkbox

d) Special equipment required:

i) Elmo projector Yes checkbox  No checkbox

ii) Television and VCR equipment Yes checkbox  No checkbox

iii) Television and CD player Yes checkbox  No checkbox

iv) Television and DVD player Yes checkbox  No checkbox

v) Teleconference facilities Yes checkbox  No checkbox

vi) Hearing devices Yes checkbox  No checkbox

vii) Other _________________________________________________________


10. Are religious books, other than the Bible, required for swearing witnesses: 
Yes checkbox  No checkbox

If yes, please specify: _________________________________________________________________


11. Is a larger than normal jury panel required: Yes checkbox  No checkbox

If yes, please specify number: _______________


(Form 18-A2)
For Multiple Accused Cases

Pre-trial Judge: ________________________________________

Date: ________________________________________________

Is a further pre-trial recommended? Yes checkbox  No checkbox

Should a Rule 29 Case Supervision judge be appointed?  Yes checkbox  No checkbox

Should a S. 551.1 Case Management judge be appointed? Yes checkbox  No checkbox

Regina v. (1) ________________________________________

(2) ________________________________________________

(3) ________________________________________________

(4) ________________________________________________

(5) ________________________________________________

(6) ________________________________________________

Summary of Charges:_______________________________________________





Synopsis attached checkbox

Counsel: Crown - ___________________________________________________

 Defence - (1) ____________________________________

(2) _____________________________________________

(3) _____________________________________________

(4) _____________________________________________

(5) _____________________________________________

(6) _____________________________________________


Jury checkbox

Challenge for Cause checkbox

Non-jury checkbox

Time Estimates  :  Applications __________________ Trial _________________



Per Rules




1. _______





2. _______





3. _______





4. _______





5. _______










1. _______




2. _______




3. _______




4. _______




5. _______




In providing times estimates, Pre-trial judges must include time for the trial judge to prepare rulings on applications.

1. Chronology:

a) Date(s) of Offence(s): ________________________________

b) Date of Arrest: _____________________________________

c) Date of Committal for Trial: __________________________

d) Date Indictment filed: _______________________________

2. Form of Judicial Interim Release

a) Is the accused detained in custody on this/these charges? Yes checkbox  No checkbox

b) Is the accused detained in custody on any other charges? Yes checkbox  No checkbox

3. Preliminary Inquiry:checkbox Length: ___________________________________ Waived checkbox

Discovery: checkbox Length: _________________________________________________________________

Transcript(s): Available: _________________________________

Date Ordered: ____________________________________________

4. Disclosure: Complete: Yes checkbox  No checkbox

a) Outstanding Issues: ________________________________________________



b) How outstanding issues to be addressed:

(1) _________________________________________________________________

(2) _________________________________________________________________

(3) _________________________________________________________________

(4) _________________________________________________________________

(5) _________________________________________________________________

(6) _________________________________________________________________

5. Mode of Trial: Current Election: Judge and jury checkbox Judge alone  checkbox

a) Will there be a re-election to be tried by: Judge and jury checkbox Judge alone checkbox

b) Is there any prospect of a re-election? Yes checkbox  No checkbox

c) Will the Crown consent? Yes checkbox  No checkbox

d) Additional comments regarding re-elections:



e) Challenge for Cause:  Yes checkbox  No checkbox

(i) Parks Yes checkbox  No checkbox

(ii) Publicity Yes checkbox  No checkbox

(iii) Other, please specify: _________________________________________

(iv) Will there be an application by the accused under s. 640 (2.1) ordering the exclusion of all sworn and unsworn jurors until the jury is selected, and that the same two triers be used for all challenges? Yes checkbox  No checkbox

(v) Will there be an application by the accused for any other form of exclusion order, or in relation to the triers, not relying on s. 640 (2.1)? Yes checkbox  No checkbox



(vi) Does the Crown consent to the application noted above?

Crown: Yes checkbox  No checkbox




(vii) Will there be an application for the judge to direct that 13 or 14 jurors be sworn pursuant to s. 631(2.2)?



Crown: Yes checkbox  No checkbox

Defence: Yes checkbox  No checkbox

Does the other party consent to the order? Yes checkbox  No checkbox



(viii) Will there be a request under s. 631(3.1) for the judge to order the names and numbers of jury panel members to be called out in court?

Crown: Yes checkbox  No checkbox

Defence: Yes checkbox  No checkbox

f) Does the accused have or seek an order under s. 530 that his/her trial be held in French or as a bilingual trial? Yes checkbox  No checkbox

g) Does the Crown oppose the order(s)? Yes checkbox  No checkbox

h) If opposed, how does the defence intend to establish the evidentiary basis for the application(s)?


i) Does the Crown oppose the proposed method of introducing the evidence?
Yes checkbox  No checkbox

j) Pre-trial judge’s time estimate for application:

Evidence ____________________________ Argument ________________________

k) Pre-trial judge’s Directions and Recommendations re. timing of application(s), filing requirements and evidentiary basis, including whether applications(s) should be heard before the trial date:







6. Pre-trial Motions on the Indictment N/A checkbox

a) Quash committal for trial Yes checkbox  No checkbox

b) Quash indictment Yes checkbox  No checkbox

c) Quash a count(s) in indictment:

 i) relying on s. 581(1) Yes checkbox  No checkbox

ii) relying on s. 581(3) Yes checkbox  No checkbox

d) Sever count(s) in indictment Yes checkbox  No checkbox

e) Sever accused Yes checkbox  No checkbox

f) Particulars Yes checkbox  No checkbox

g) Change of venue Yes checkbox  No checkbox

h) Amendment(s) Yes checkbox  No checkbox

i) Pre-trial judge’s Directions and Recommendations re. timing of application(s), filing requirements and evidentiary basis, including whether applications(s) should be heard before the trial date:







Crown Pre-trial motions

7. Statements of the Accused N/A checkbox

a) Is the Crown seeking to obtain rulings as to the admissibility of Statements to Persons in authority? Yes checkbox  No checkbox

b) Brief summary of important contents of the statement(s):




c) Is the Crown seeking to introduce the statement? Yes checkbox  No checkbox

d) Is the Crown seeking only a ruling as to admissibility? Yes checkbox  No checkbox

e) Does the defence dispute admissibility? Yes checkbox  No checkbox

f) Brief summary of defence position:



g) Form of statement: Oral checkbox Written checkbox Audiotaped checkbox Videotaped checkbox

h) If the statement is audio or video taped, is there a transcript? Yes checkbox  No checkbox

i) If no transcript is available, will the Crown provide one in advance of trial? Yes checkbox  No checkbox

j) Date to be made available: ________________________________________

k) Length of statement(s) (minutes/hours for audio/videos to be played, and/or transcript length, if applicable): _______________________________________________

l) Voir dire required Yes checkbox  No checkbox

m) Voir dire issues: recipient as a person in authority Yes checkbox  No checkbox

 Voluntariness Yes checkbox  No checkbox

 s. 10 (a) Yes checkbox  No checkbox

 s. 10 (b) Yes checkbox  No checkbox

 s. 7 Yes checkbox  No checkbox

n) Number of witnesses to be called on voir dire

Crown ______________________________________________

Defence _____________________________________________

o) Pre-trial judge’s time estimate for voir dire:

Evidence ___________________________ Argument ________________________

p) If there is more than one issue, do counsel agree that a blended voir dire is appropriate? Yes checkbox  No checkbox

Comments: ________________________________________________________



q) Pre-trial judge’s Directions and Recommendations re. timing of application(s), filing requirements and evidentiary basis, including whether applications(s) should be heard before the trial date:















8. Other Disreputable Conduct Evidence, including Similar Fact N/A checkbox

a) Is the Crown seeking to introduce prior disreputable conduct evidence, relying on incidents not covered by the indictment? Yes checkbox  No checkbox

b) Nature of Evidence: _______________________________________________




c) Does the Crown seek to have admissibility determined in pre-trial motion? 
Yes checkbox  No checkbox

d) If the Crown does not seek to obtain a ruling before trial starts, when does the Crown wish to have the voir dire? _________________________________________________________________


e) Does the defence dispute admissibility? Yes checkbox  No checkbox

f) How does the Crown propose to introduce the evidence on the voir dire?

(i) Viva voce evidence Yes checkbox  No checkbox

(ii) Agreed Statement of facts Yes checkbox  No checkbox

(iii) Witness statements Yes checkbox  No checkbox

(iv)  Transcripts Yes checkbox  No checkbox

g) Does the defence consent to the manner in which the Crown seeks to introduce the evidence on the voir dire? Yes checkbox  No checkbox

h) Comments: _____________________________________________________


i) Is the Crown seeking to rely on disreputable conduct evidence, relying on the counts in the indictment? Yes checkbox  No checkbox

j) Pre-trial judge’s time estimate for voir dire:

Evidence ___________________________ Argument ________________________

k) Pre-trial judge’s Directions and Recommendations re. timing of application(s), filing requirements and evidentiary basis, including whether applications(s) should be heard before the trial date: _________________________________________________________________










9. Hearsay Evidence N/A checkbox

a) Does the Crown seek to introduce any evidence relying upon a common law exception to the hearsay rule? Yes checkbox  No checkbox

b) If yes, what is the nature of the evidence? _____________________________




c) What is the common law exception upon which the Crown relies? (i.e. dying declaration, spontaneous exclamation, declarations in furtherance of common unlawful design):



d) Does the defence contest admissibility? Yes checkbox  No checkbox

e) How does the Crown propose to introduce the evidence on the voir dire?

(i) Viva voce evidence Yes checkbox  No checkbox

(ii) Agreed Statement of facts Yes checkbox  No checkbox

(iii) Witness statements Yes checkbox  No checkbox

(iv) Transcripts Yes checkbox  No checkbox

f) Does the defence consent to the manner in which the Crown seeks to introduce the evidence on the voir dire? Yes checkbox  No checkbox

g) Comments: _______________________________________________________


h) Pre-trial judge’s time estimate for voir dire:

Evidence ___________________________ Argument ________________________

Principled Exception to the Hearsay Rule N/A checkbox

a) Does the Crown seek to introduce any evidence relying upon the principled exception to the hearsay rule? Yes checkbox  No checkbox

b) If so, what is the nature of the evidence? _____________________________




c) Does the defence contest admissibility? Yes checkbox  No checkbox

d) Contested issues: necessity Yes checkbox  No checkbox

 reliability Yes checkbox  No checkbox

 prejudicial effect/probative value Yes checkbox  No checkbox

e) How does the Crown propose to introduce the evidence on the voir dire?

(i) Viva voce evidence Yes checkbox  No checkbox

(ii) Agreed Statement of facts Yes checkbox  No checkbox

(iii) Witness statements Yes checkbox  No checkbox

(iv) Transcripts Yes checkbox  No checkbox

f) Does the defence consent to the manner in which the Crown seeks to introduce the evidence on the voir dire? Yes checkbox  No checkbox

g) Comments: _____________________________________________________


h) Pre-trial judge’s time estimate for voir dire:

Evidence ____________________________ Argument __________________________

i) Pre-trial judge’s Directions and Recommendations re. timing of application(s), filing requirements and evidentiary basis, including whether applications(s) should be heard before the trial date: _________________________________________________________________









10. After the Fact Conduct Evidence N/A checkbox

a) Will the Crown be seeking to tender any evidence of after the fact conduct by the accused? Yes checkbox  No checkbox

b) If so, what is the nature of the evidence? ______________________________



c) Does the defence contest admissibility? Yes checkbox  No checkbox

d) How does the Crown propose to introduce the evidence on the voir dire?

(i) Viva voce evidence Yes checkbox  No checkbox

(ii) Agreed Statement of facts Yes checkbox  No checkbox

(iii) Witness statements Yes checkbox  No checkbox

(iv) Transcripts Yes checkbox  No checkbox

e) Does the defence consent to the manner in which the Crown seeks to introduce the evidence on the voir dire? Yes checkbox  No checkbox

f) Comments: ______________________________________________________


g) Pre-trial judge’s time estimate for voir dire:

Evidence ____________________________ Argument _________________________

h) Pre-trial judge’s Directions and Recommendations re. timing of application(s), filing requirements and evidentiary basis, including whether applications(s) should be heard before the trial date:




(1) _______________________________________________________________

(2) _______________________________________________________________

(3) _______________________________________________________________

(4) _______________________________________________________________

(5) _______________________________________________________________

(6) _______________________________________________________________

11. Intercepted Private Communications N/A checkbox

a) Does the Crown seek to introduce wiretap evidence? Yes checkbox  No checkbox

b) Brief overview of evidence: _________________________________________


c) Does the defence require a voir dire to determine admissibility? Yes checkbox  No checkbox

d) Brief overview of defence position: ___________________________________


e) Authorization: consent, s. 184.2 checkbox Authorization, s. 186 checkbox Other checkbox

f) Issue to be litigated: facial validity checkbox Sub-facial validity checkbox Other checkbox

g) Pre-trial judge’s time estimate for voir dire:

Evidence ____________________________ Argument __________________________

h) Pre-trial judge’s Directions and Recommendations re. timing of application(s), filing requirements and evidentiary basis, including whether applications(s) should be heard before the trial date:

(1) _________________________________________________________________

(2) _________________________________________________________________

(3) _________________________________________________________________

(4) _________________________________________________________________

(5) _________________________________________________________________

(6) _________________________________________________________________

12. Other legal issues requiring rulings anticipated by Crown: N/A checkbox




d) Does defence contest admissibility?  

a) Yes checkbox  No checkbox

b) Yes checkbox  No checkbox

c) Yes checkbox  No checkbox

e) Pre-trial judge’s time estimates:  

a) Evidence ___________________________ Argument ________________________

b) Evidence ___________________________ Argument ________________________

c) Evidence ___________________________ Argument ________________________

f) Pre-trial judge’s Directions and Recommendations re. timing of application(s), filing requirements and evidentiary basis, including whether applications(s) should be heard before the trial date:






13. Competency of Witnesses N/A checkbox

a) Does the Crown/defence intend to call any witness who is under the age of 14?  
Yes checkbox  No checkbox

b) Does the Crown/defence intend to challenge the capacity of any witness on the basis of mental capacity?  Yes checkbox  No checkbox

c) Name of witness, and basis of challenge: ______________________________


d) Defence position: _________________________________________________


e) Pre-trial judge’s time estimate:

Evidence ___________________________ Argument ________________________

f) Pre-trial judge’s Directions and Recommendations re. timing of application(s), filing requirements and evidentiary basis:






14. Manner in which evidence is to be introduced N/A checkbox

a) Does the Crown or defence seek to have any witness evidence introduced?:

i) by video link, pursuant to s. 714.1 or 714.2?  Yes checkbox  No checkbox

ii) by reading in evidence previously taken pursuant to s. 715?  Yes checkbox  No checkbox

iii) by videotaped evidence, pursuant to s. 715.1?  Yes checkbox  No checkbox

iv) by closed circuit link or behind a screen, pursuant to s. 486.2?  Yes checkbox  No checkbox

v) other means? Details: _________________________________________


b) Does the opposing party consent to the admissibility of the evidence in the manner proposed?  Yes checkbox  No checkbox

c) Will the Crown or any witness apply for an order pursuant to s.486, appointing counsel to cross-examine the witness, if the accused is not represented by counsel? Yes checkbox  No checkbox

d) Does the accused oppose the making of the order? Yes checkbox  No checkbox

e) If manner of introducing evidence on order is contested, pre-trial judge’s estimated time for:

 Evidence ___________________________ Argument ________________________

f) Pre-trial judge’s Directions and Recommendations re. timing of application(s), filing requirements and evidentiary basis:







15. Support Person N/A checkbox

a) Will any Crown witness require a support person, pursuant to s. 486.1(1)? 
Yes checkbox  No checkbox

b) Details: _________________________________________________________

c) Will any Crown witness require a support person, pursuant to s. 486.1(2)? 
Yes checkbox  No checkbox

d) Details: _________________________________________________________

e) Does the defence oppose the order?  Yes checkbox  No checkbox

f) If opposed, pre-trial judge’s estimated time for:

Evidence __________________________ Argument _________________________

g) Pre-trial judge’s Directions and Recommendations re. timing of application(s), filing requirements and evidentiary basis:







16. Publication Bans/Deferred Publication Orders N/A checkbox

a) Does the Crown seek an order pursuant to s. 486.4 or 486.5, banning the publication of the complainant’s identity? Yes checkbox  No checkbox

b) Does the defence oppose the order? Yes checkbox  No checkbox

c) Does either party seek other publication bans or deferred publication orders?

 Crown Yes checkbox  No checkbox

 Defence Yes checkbox  No checkbox

d) If yes, provide details of order sought, media to be notified, timing of hearing, time estimate for hearing: _________________________________________________________________


e) Does the other party oppose the application?  Yes checkbox  No checkbox

f) Pre-trial judge’s time estimates, if application to be contested:

Evidence ___________________ Argument ____________________

g) Pre-trial judge’s Directions and Recommendations re. timing of application(s), filing requirements and evidentiary basis:







17. Privilege Issues N/A checkbox

a) Will the Crown be raising issues of privilege?  Yes checkbox  No checkbox

b) Will the defence be raising issues of privilege?  Yes checkbox  No checkbox

c) Nature of evidence and issue of privilege: ______________________________



d) Basis upon which the party seeking admission rely: ______________________


e) How does the party claiming privilege seek to introduce the evidence on the voir dire?

(i) Viva voce evidence  Yes checkbox  No checkbox

(ii) Agreed Statements of Fact  Yes checkbox  No checkbox

(iii) Witness statements  Yes checkbox  No checkbox

(iv) Transcripts  Yes checkbox  No checkbox

f) Does the other party consent to the manner in which the evidence will be introduced on the voir dire?  Yes checkbox  No checkbox

g) Pre-trial judge’s time estimate for voir dire:

Evidence ___________________________ Argument ________________________

h) Pre-trial judge’s Directions and Recommendations re. timing of application(s), filing requirements and evidentiary basis, including whether applications(s) should be heard before the trial date:




(1) ______________________________________________________________

(2) ______________________________________________________________

(3) ______________________________________________________________

(4) _______________________________________________________________

(5) ______________________________________________________________

(6) ______________________________________________________________

Defence Pre-trial Applications

18 Challenge to Legislation: N/A checkbox

a) Specifics of challenge:


b) Does the Crown oppose the application?  Yes checkbox  No checkbox

c) Pre-trial judge’s time estimate for voir dire:

Evidence ___________________________ Argument ________________________

d) Pre-trial judge’s Directions and Recommendations re. timing of application(s), filing requirements and evidentiary basis:







19. Applications to Stay Proceedings based upon: N/A checkbox

a) Abuse of Process  checkbox

b) Charter breach, s. 7  checkbox

c) Charter breach, s. 11(b)   checkbox

d) Entrapment (after finding of guilt)  checkbox

e) Other  checkbox

f) Overview of Defence position: _______________________________________



g) Overview of Crown position: ________________________________________



h) Pre-trial judge’s time estimate for application:

Evidence ___________________________ Argument _________________________

i) Pre-trial judge’s Directions and Recommendations re. timing of application(s), filing requirements and evidentiary basis, including whether applications(s) should be heard before the trial date:

(1) ______________________________________________________________


(2) ______________________________________________________________


(3) ______________________________________________________________


(4) ______________________________________________________________


(5) ______________________________________________________________


(6) ______________________________________________________________


20. Applications to Exclude Evidence other than a statement based upon s. 24(2) alleging breaches of: N/A checkbox

a) s. 7 checkbox

 s. 8 checkbox: warrantless search checkbox search warrant checkbox order checkbox authorization checkbox

Issue: facial validity checkbox sub-facial validity checkbox execution checkbox

Other: ______________________________________________________________

s. 9 checkbox

Other: ______________________________________________________________

b) Defence position(s) re. nature of breach and evidence sought to be excluded:

i) Appl. #1: _________________________________________________________________


ii) Appl. #2: _________________________________________________________________


iii) Appl. #3: _________________________________________________________________


c) Crown’s position(s) re. nature of breach and evidence sought to be excluded:

i) Appl. #1: _______________________________________________________


ii) Appl. #2: _______________________________________________________


iii) Appl. #3: _______________________________________________________


d) Do all counsel agree the applications can be heard in a combined voir dire?  Yes checkbox  No checkbox

Comments: ________________________________________________________



e) Pre-trial judge’s time estimates: 

Appl. #1: Evidence _______________ Argument ________________

Appl. #2: Evidence _______________ Argument ________________

Appl. #3: Evidence _______________ Argument ________________

f) Pre-trial judge’s Directions and Recommendations re. timing of application(s), filing requirements and evidentiary basis, including whether applications(s) should be heard before the trial date:




(1) ______________________________________________________________



(2) ______________________________________________________________



(3) ______________________________________________________________



(4) ______________________________________________________________



(5) ______________________________________________________________



(6) ______________________________________________________________



21. Third Party Records Applications: N/A checkbox

 By Defence:  Yes checkbox  No checkbox

 By Crown:  Yes checkbox  No checkbox

a) Relying upon: Mills, s. 278.2 Yes checkbox  No checkbox  O’Connor Yes checkbox  No checkbox

b) Nature of Records: ________________________________________________


c) Position of other party: ____________________________________________


d) Should the application be heard in advance of the trial date?  Yes checkbox No checkbox

Comments: ________________________________________________________



e) Pre-trial judge’s time estimate for application:

Evidence ___________________________ Argument _________________________

f) Pre-trial judge’s Directions and Recommendations re. timing of application(s), filing requirements and evidentiary basis, including whether applications(s) should be heard before the trial date:



(1) ______________________________________________________________

(2) ______________________________________________________________

(3) ______________________________________________________________

(4) ______________________________________________________________

(5) ______________________________________________________________

(6) ______________________________________________________________

22. Evidence of the Complainant’s Prior Sexual Activity – s. 276 N/A checkbox

a) Brief outline of evidence: ___________________________________________



b) Does the Crown contest admissibility?  Yes checkbox  No checkbox

c) How does defence propose to introduce evidence on voir dire?

(i) viva voce evidence Yes checkbox  No checkbox

(ii) agreed statements of facts  Yes checkbox  No checkbox

(iii) witness statement  Yes checkbox  No checkbox

(iv) other _______________________________________________________

d) Does the Crown consent to the manner in which evidence is proposed to be called?  
Yes checkbox  No checkbox

e) Pre-trial judge’s time estimate for voir dire:

Evidence ___________________________ Argument ________________________

f) Pre-trial judge’s Directions and Recommendations re. timing of application(s), filing requirements and evidentiary basis, including whether applications(s) should be heard before the trial date:



(1) ______________________________________________________________

(2) ______________________________________________________________

(3) ______________________________________________________________

(4) ______________________________________________________________

(5) ______________________________________________________________

(6) ______________________________________________________________

23. Evidence of Other Suspects N/A checkbox

a) Nature of Evidence: _______________________________________________



b) Does the Crown contest admissibility?  Yes checkbox  No checkbox

c) Pre-trial judge’s time estimate for voir dire:

Evidence ___________________________ Argument ________________________

d) Pre-trial judge’s Directions and Recommendations re. timing of application(s), filing requirements and evidentiary basis, including whether applications(s) should be heard before the trial date:



(1) ______________________________________________________________

(2) ______________________________________________________________

(3) ______________________________________________________________

(4) ______________________________________________________________

(5) ______________________________________________________________

(6) ______________________________________________________________

24. Character of Victim N/A checkbox

a) Nature of Evidence: _______________________________________________


b) Does the Crown contest admissibility?  Yes checkbox  No checkbox

c) Pre-trial judge’s time estimate for voir dire:

Evidence ___________________________ Argument ________________________

d) Pre-trial judge’s Directions and Recommendations re. timing of application(s), filing requirements and evidentiary basis:



(1) ______________________________________________________________

(2) ______________________________________________________________

(3) ______________________________________________________________

(4) ______________________________________________________________

(5) ______________________________________________________________

(6) ______________________________________________________________

25. Other legal issues defence counsel anticipate will arise: N/A checkbox

a) _________________________________________________________________

b) _________________________________________________________________

c) _________________________________________________________________

d) Does Crown contest admissibility?

 i) Yes checkbox  No checkbox

ii) Yes checkbox  No checkbox

iii) Yes checkbox  No checkbox

e) Pre-trial judge’s time estimates: 

i) Evidence ___________________________ Argument ________________________

ii) Evidence ___________________________ Argument ________________________

iii) Evidence ___________________________ Argument ________________________

f) Pre-trial judge’s Directions and Recommendations re. timing of application(s), filing requirements and evidentiary basis, including whether applications(s) should be heard before the trial date:



(1) ______________________________________________________________

(2) ______________________________________________________________

(3) ______________________________________________________________

(4) ______________________________________________________________

(5) ______________________________________________________________

(6) ______________________________________________________________

26. Expert Witnesses N/A checkbox

26.1 Crown Witnesses

a) Does the Crown intend to call expert witnesses?  Yes checkbox  No checkbox

b) Field(s) of expertise: ______________________________________________

c) Issues upon which the evidence will be introduced: ______________________


d) Does the defence contest the admissibility of the expert evidence?  Yes checkbox  No checkbox

e) Basis upon which admissibility of evidence contested:

 checkbox legal relevance 

checkbox logical relevance

checkbox necessity in assisting trier of fact

checkbox absence of an exclusionary rule

checkbox expert’s qualifications

f) Comments: ______________________________________________________



g) Pre-trial judge’s time estimate for voir dire:

Evidence ___________________________ Argument ________________________

h) Pre-trial judge’s Directions and Recommendations re. timing of application(s), filing requirements and evidentiary basis, including whether applications(s) should be heard before the trial date:



(1) ______________________________________________________________

(2) ______________________________________________________________

(3) ______________________________________________________________

(4) ______________________________________________________________

(5) ______________________________________________________________

(6) ______________________________________________________________

26.2 Defence Witnesses N/A checkbox

a) Does the defence intend to call expert witnesses? Yes checkbox  No checkbox

b) Field of expertise: ________________________________________________

c) Issues upon which the evidence will be introduced: ______________________


d) Does the Crown contest the admissibility of the expert evidence?  Yes checkbox  No checkbox

e) Basis upon which admissibility of evidence contested:

 checkbox legal relevance

checkbox logical relevance

checkbox necessity in assisting trier of fact

checkbox absence of an exclusionary rule

checkbox expert’s qualifications

f) Comments: ______________________________________________________



g) Pre-trial judge’s time estimate for voir dire:
Evidence ___________________________ Argument ________________________

h) Pre-trial judge’s Directions and Recommendations re. timing of application(s), filing requirements and evidentiary basis, including whether applications(s) should be heard before the trial date:



(1) ______________________________________________________________

(2) ______________________________________________________________

(3) ______________________________________________________________

(4) ______________________________________________________________

(5) ______________________________________________________________

(6) ______________________________________________________________

27. Position of Accused in Court

a) Will there be an application to have the accused sit at counsel table?  Yes checkbox  No checkbox

b) Does the Crown consent?  Yes checkbox  No checkbox

c) If opposed, pre-trial judge’s estimated time for:

Evidence __________________________ Argument _________________________

d) Pre-trial judge’s Directions and Recommendations re. timing of application(s), filing requirements and evidence to be called:




(1) ______________________________________________________________

(2) ______________________________________________________________

(3) ______________________________________________________________

(4) ______________________________________________________________

(5) ______________________________________________________________

(6) ______________________________________________________________

28. Absence of Accused from Court N/A checkbox

a) Will there be an application for the accused to be absent from the trial, pursuant to s. 650(2)?  Yes checkbox  No checkbox

b) If yes, what is the basis for the application? ____________________________


c) Does the Crown consent?  Yes checkbox  No checkbox

d) Comments: _____________________________________________________



29. Position of the Parties

a) Have the positions of counsel changed from those expressed on their pre-trial forms?  
Yes checkbox  No checkbox

b) If so, provide details: _____________________________________________



c) Pre-trial judge’s comments:

(1) _________________________________________________________________

(2) _________________________________________________________________

(3) _________________________________________________________________

(4) _________________________________________________________________

(5) _________________________________________________________________

(6) _________________________________________________________________

30. Fitness to Stand Trial N/A checkbox

a) Will the Crown raise the issue of the accused’s fitness to stand trial?  Yes checkbox  No checkbox

b) Will the defence raise the issue of the accused’s fitness to stand trial?  Yes checkbox  No checkbox

c) If raised, will the application be opposed?  Yes checkbox  No checkbox

d) Pre-trial judge’s time estimate for voir dire:

Evidence ___________________________ Argument ________________________

e) Pre-trial judge’s Directions and Recommendations re. timing of application(s), filing requirements and evidentiary basis:






31. Interpreters N/A checkbox

a) Does the accused require an interpreter?  Yes checkbox No checkbox

b) If yes, for which language(s)? _______________________________________

c) Do any Crown witnesses require an interpreter?  Yes checkbox  No checkbox

d) Do any defence witnesses require an interpreter?  Yes checkbox  No checkbox

e) If yes, for which language(s)? ________________________________________

f) Should two interpreters be required?  Yes checkbox  No checkbox

g) Comments: _____________________________________________________


(1) ______________________________________________________________

(2) ______________________________________________________________

(3) ______________________________________________________________

(4) ______________________________________________________________

(5) ______________________________________________________________

(6) ______________________________________________________________

32. Additional Courtroom Equipment required N/A checkbox

a) Elmo projector  Yes checkbox  No checkbox

b) Television and VCR  Yes checkbox  No checkbox

c) Television and CD player Yes checkbox  No checkbox

d) Television and DVD player  Yes checkbox  No checkbox

e) Hearing devices  Yes checkbox  No checkbox

f) Teleconference facilities  Yes checkbox  No checkbox

g) Other ____________________________________________________________

33. Courtroom Security Issues N/A checkbox

a) Does any party believe that increased courtroom security issues are raised in this case?
Yes checkbox  No checkbox

b) Details: ________________________________________________________



c) Comments: _________________________________________________________________



34. Other Potential Legal Issues N/A checkbox



(1) ______________________________________________________________


(2) ______________________________________________________________


(3) ______________________________________________________________


(4) ______________________________________________________________


(5) ______________________________________________________________


(6) ______________________________________________________________


35. Is it reasonably anticipated that any of the following defences/triable issues will be raised?

checkbox Accident
checkbox Alibis
checkbox Automatism
checkbox Causation
checkbox Compulsion
checkbox Consent
checkbox Defence of property
checkbox Did the alleged event occur?
checkbox Diminished capacity
checkbox Duress
checkbox Entrapment
checkbox  “Evidence to the contrary”
checkbox Honest, but mistaken belief in consent
checkbox Identity
checkbox Intoxication
    checkbox Drugs
    checkbox Alcohol
checkbox Knowledge
checkbox Necessity
checkbox Not criminally responsible
checkbox Possession
    checkbox Was the possession for the purpose of trafficking?
checkbox Provocation
checkbox Self-defence

(a) Pre-trial judge’s summary of key issues on applications and at trial:

(1) _______________________________________________________________


(2) _______________________________________________________________


(3) _______________________________________________________________


(4) _______________________________________________________________


(5) _______________________________________________________________


(6) _______________________________________________________________


36. Non-contentious Issues –


Not contested




Identity of the accused



Continuity of exhibits



Medical Evidence



Documentary Evidence






Value of Property



Accused as Driver



Death/injuries caused by accused



Expert’s report



Age of Complainant



Nature of drug



Amount of drug is “for the purpose of trafficking”



Value of drug



Service of notice






(1) ______________________________________________________________


(2) ______________________________________________________________


(3) ______________________________________________________________


(4) ______________________________________________________________


(5) ______________________________________________________________


(6) ______________________________________________________________


37. Other factual, evidentiary or legal admissions agreed upon by defence: N/A checkbox




(1) _______________________________________________________________

(2) _______________________________________________________________

(3) _______________________________________________________________

(4) _______________________________________________________________

(5) _______________________________________________________________

(6) _______________________________________________________________

38. Affidavit Evidence N/A checkbox

a) Does the Crown intend to file affidavit evidence?  Yes checkbox  No checkbox

b) If so, please specify: ______________________________________________



c) Will the defence seek leave to have the witness testify?  Yes checkbox  No checkbox

d) Pre-trial judge’s Directions and Recommendations re. timing of application(s), filing requirements, evidentiary basis and time estimates:





39. Positions of Parties

a) Upon what evidentiary basis does the Crown seek to establish liability for each accused?

(1) _________________________________________________________________

(2) _________________________________________________________________

(3) _________________________________________________________________

(4) _________________________________________________________________

(5) _________________________________________________________________

(6) _________________________________________________________________

b) Upon which section(s) of the Criminal Code does the Crown rely to establish the liability of each accused?

(1) _________________________________________________________________

(2) _________________________________________________________________

(3) _________________________________________________________________

(4) _________________________________________________________________

(5) _________________________________________________________________

(6) _________________________________________________________________

c) Included offences?

(1) _________________________________________________________________

(2) _________________________________________________________________

(3) _________________________________________________________________

(4) _________________________________________________________________

(5) _________________________________________________________________

(6) _________________________________________________________________

d) What is the position of the defence?

(1) _________________________________________________________________

(2) _________________________________________________________________

(3) _________________________________________________________________

(4) _________________________________________________________________

(5) _________________________________________________________________

(6) _________________________________________________________________

40. a) Will there be an application for the appointment of a Case Management Judge pursuant to s. 551.1?

 By the Crown:  Yes checkbox  No checkbox

 By the Defence  Yes checkbox  No checkbox

 Does the other party consent?  Yes checkbox  No checkbox

(1) _________________________________________________________________

(2) _________________________________________________________________

(3) _________________________________________________________________

(4) _________________________________________________________________

(5) _________________________________________________________________

(6) _________________________________________________________________

b) Will there be an application for an order for a joint hearing of issues in common from separate prosecutions, pursuant to s. 551.7?

 By the Crown: Yes checkbox  No checkbox

 By the Defence  Yes checkbox  No checkbox

(1) _________________________________________________________________

(2) _________________________________________________________________

(3) _________________________________________________________________

(4) _________________________________________________________________

(5) _________________________________________________________________

(6) _________________________________________________________________

41. Pre-trial judge’s time estimates

d) Estimated time for applications: _______________________________________

e) Estimated time for trial: _____________________________________________

f) Comments: ______________________________________________________



42. Additional Comments by pre-trial judge (including order and timing of pre-trial applications): _________________________________________________________________






43. Items to be addressed at next pre-trial, or by Case Management judge:








This page is to be removed before the form is provided to the trial judge.

Accused: _________________________________________________________


Pre-trial judge’s notes re. Resolution discussions:


























TRIAL : R. v. ______________________________________________________

1. Counsel : Crown __________________ Defence _______________________

2. Judges who are unable to preside because of prior involvement in case, or conflict:



3.  Jury Trial  Yes checkbox  No checkbox

4. Challenge for Cause  Yes checkbox  No checkbox

5. Is a French-speaking judge required?  Yes checkbox  No checkbox

 Is a French-speaking jury panel required?  Yes checkbox  No checkbox

6. Trial Date: ___________________________________________________

 Should the motions dates be scheduled in advance of Jury selection:  Yes checkbox  No checkbox

 If yes, suggested dates:______________________________________________

7. Is the accused in custody:  Yes checkbox  No checkbox

8. Will there be an application to have the accused at the counsel table?  Yes checkbox  No checkbox

9. Special Needs:

a) Interpreters: Language(s) ________________________________________

 Number of interpreters:____________________________________________

 Is the interpreter required for:

i) The accused  Yes checkbox  No checkbox

ii) Witnesses  Yes checkbox  No checkbox

 Directions re accused/witnesses meeting before trial:



b) Length of trial: ___________________________________________________

c) Child friendly courtroom:  Yes checkbox  No checkbox

d) Special equipment required:

i) Elmo projector  Yes checkbox  No checkbox

ii) Television and VCR equipment  Yes checkbox  No checkbox

iii) Television and CD player  Yes checkbox  No checkbox

iv) Television and DVD player  Yes checkbox  No checkbox

v) Teleconference facilities  Yes checkbox  No checkbox

vi) Hearing devices  Yes checkbox  No checkbox

vii) Other ______________________________________________________


10. Are religious books, other than the Bible, required for swearing witnesses:  
Yes checkbox  No checkbox

If yes, please specify: _______________________________________________


11. Is a larger than normal jury panel required:  Yes checkbox  No checkbox

If yes, please specify number: _________________________________________