Canada Gazette, Part I, Volume 158, Number 38: COMMISSIONS

September 21, 2024



Concrete reinforcing bar — Decision

On September 13, 2024, pursuant to subsection 38(1) of the Special Import Measures Act (SIMA), the Canada Border Services Agency (CBSA) made a preliminary determination of dumping concerning concrete reinforcing bar from Bulgaria, Thailand and the United Arab Emirates.

The subject goods are usually classified under the following tariff classification numbers:

The above-listed tariff classifications cover both subject and non-subject goods.

The Canadian International Trade Tribunal (CITT) will conduct a full inquiry into the question of injury to the Canadian industry and will make an order or finding no later than 120 days after its receipt of the notice of the preliminary determination of dumping.

Pursuant to section 8 of SIMA, provisional duties are payable on the subject goods that are released from the CBSA during the period commencing September 13, 2024, and ending on the earlier of the day the investigation is terminated, the day on which the CITT makes an order or finding, or the day an undertaking is accepted.

The amount of provisional duties payable is not greater than the estimated margin of dumping. The Customs Act applies with respect to the accounting and payment of provisional duty. Therefore, failure to pay duties within the prescribed time will result in the application of the interest provisions of the Customs Act.


The Statement of Reasons regarding this decision will be issued within 15 days following the decision and will be available on the CBSA’s website.

Ottawa, September 13, 2024

Doug Band
Director General
Trade and Anti-dumping Programs Directorate



Structural tubing

The Canadian International Trade Tribunal gives notice that, pursuant to subsection 76.03(1) of the Special Import Measures Act (SIMA), it will initiate an expiry review (RR-2024-005) of its order made on October 16, 2019, in expiry review RR-2018-006, continuing, without amendment, its order made on December 20, 2013, in expiry review RR-2013-001, continuing, in part, its order made on December 22, 2008, in expiry review RR-2008-001, continuing its finding made on December 23, 2003, in inquiry NQ-2003-001, concerning the dumping of structural tubing known as hollow structural sections made of carbon and alloy steel, welded, in sizes up to and including 16.0 inches (406.4 mm) in outside diameter for round products and up to and including 48.0 inches (1,219.2 mm) in periphery for rectangular and square products, commonly but not exclusively made to ASTM A500, ASTM A513, CSA G.40.21-87-50W and comparable specifications, originating in or exported from the Republic of Korea and the Republic of Türkiye (the subject goods).

In this expiry review, the Canada Border Services Agency (CBSA) will first determine whether the expiry of the order in respect of the subject goods is likely to result in the continuation or resumption of dumping of the subject goods. If the CBSA determines that the expiry of the order in respect of any goods is likely to result in the continuation or resumption of dumping, the Tribunal will then determine if the continued or resumed dumping is likely to result in injury to the domestic industry. The CBSA will provide notice of its determination within 150 days after receiving notice of the Tribunal’s initiation of the expiry review, that is, no later than February 6, 2025. The Tribunal will issue its order and its statement of reasons no later than July 16, 2025.

Each person or government wishing to participate in this expiry review must file Form I—Notice of Participation with the Tribunal by September 24, 2024. Regarding the importance of the deadline for filing a notice of participation, please read carefully the “Support by domestic producers” section in the notice available on the Tribunal’s website. Each counsel who intends to represent a party in the expiry review must file Form II—Notice of Representation and Form III—Declaration and Undertaking with the Tribunal, by September 24, 2024. The Tribunal will issue a list of participants shortly thereafter.

On March 31, 2025, the Tribunal will distribute the record to participants. Counsel and self-represented participants are required to serve their respective submissions on each other on the dates outlined below. Public submissions are to be served on counsel and those participants who are not represented by counsel. Confidential submissions are to be served only on counsel who have access to the confidential record, and who have filed Form III—Declaration and Undertaking with the Tribunal. This information will be included in the list of participants. One complete electronic version of all submissions must be filed with the Tribunal.

The Tribunal will hold a hearing relating to this expiry review commencing on May 5, 2025. The type of hearing will be communicated at a later date.

Written submissions, correspondence and requests for information regarding the Tribunal’s portion of this expiry review should be addressed to the Registry, Canadian International Trade Tribunal Secretariat, at The Registry can also be reached by telephone at 613‑993‑3595.

Additional information and the expiry review schedule are available in the notice posted on the Tribunal’s website.

Ottawa, September 9, 2024



Electronic security system maintenance

The Canadian International Trade Tribunal has received a complaint (file PR-2024-038) from ADGA Group Consultants Inc. (ADGA), of Ottawa, Ontario, concerning a procurement (solicitation WS4365275858) made by the Department of Public Works and Government Services (PWGSC). The solicitation was for maintenance of electronic security system equipment. Pursuant to subsection 30.13(2) of the Canadian International Trade Tribunal Act and subsection 7(2) of the Canadian International Trade Tribunal Procurement Inquiry Regulations, notice is given that the Tribunal made a decision on September 6, 2024, to conduct an inquiry into the complaint.

ADGA alleges that PWGSC breached the applicable trade agreements by failing to properly evaluate the bids in accordance with the evaluation criteria set out in the invitation to tender.

Further information may be obtained from the Registry, 613‑993‑3595 (telephone), (email).

Ottawa, September 6, 2024



The Commission posts on its website original, detailed decisions, notices of consultation, regulatory policies, information bulletins and orders as they come into force. In accordance with Part 1 of the Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission Rules of Practice and Procedure, these documents may be examined at the Commission’s office, as can be documents relating to a proceeding, including the notices and applications, which are posted on the Commission’s website, under “Public proceedings & hearings.”

The following documents are abridged versions of the Commission’s original documents.


Notice number Publication date of the notice City Province Deadline for filing of interventions, comments or replies OR hearing date
2024-202 September 9, 2024 N.A. N.A. October 9, 2024



Permission and leave granted (Aujla, Simranjit Singh)

The Public Service Commission of Canada, pursuant to section 116 of the Public Service Employment Act, hereby gives notice that it has granted permission, pursuant to subsection 114(4) of the said Act, to Simranjit Singh Aujla, Canada Revenue Agency, to seek nomination as a candidate before and during the election period, or to be a candidate before the election period, in the electoral district of Calgary Skyview, Alberta, in the federal election to be held on or before October 20, 2025.

The Public Service Commission of Canada, pursuant to subsection 114(5) of the said Act, has also granted a leave of absence without pay during the election period, effective the first day the employee is a candidate during the election period.

September 5, 2024

Marie-Chantal Girard

Fiona Spencer

Hélène Laurendeau



Permission and leave granted (Bowlby, David Lee)

The Public Service Commission of Canada, pursuant to section 116 of the Public Service Employment Act, hereby gives notice that it has granted permission, pursuant to subsection 114(4) of the said Act, to David Lee Bowlby, Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada, to seek nomination as a candidate before and during the election period, or to be a candidate before the election period, in the electoral district of Annapolis, Nova Scotia, in the provincial election to be held on or before July 15, 2025.

The Public Service Commission of Canada, pursuant to subsection 114(5) of the said Act, has also granted a leave of absence without pay during the election period, effective the first day the employee is a candidate during the election period.

Emma Orawiec
Policy and Communications Sector



Permission granted (Collins, Kirk)

The Public Service Commission of Canada, pursuant to section 116 of the Public Service Employment Act, hereby gives notice that it has granted permission, pursuant to subsection 115(2) of the said Act, to Kirk Collins, Fisheries and Oceans Canada, to seek nomination as, or to be, a candidate, before and during the election period, for the position of Councillor for the Town of Hare Bay, Newfoundland and Labrador, in the municipal by-election to be held on September 26, 2024.

August 30, 2024

Lily Klassen
Director General
Staffing Support, Priorities and Political Activities Directorate



Permission granted (Sadkowski, Heather)

The Public Service Commission of Canada, pursuant to section 116 of the Public Service Employment Act, hereby gives notice that it has granted permission, pursuant to subsection 115(2) of the said Act, to Heather Sadkowski, Veterans Affairs Canada, to seek nomination as, or to be, a candidate, before and during the election period, for a Councillor position of the Town of Annapolis Royal, Nova Scotia, in the municipal election to be held on October 19, 2024.

Lily Klassen
Director General
Staffing Support, Priorities and Political Activities Directorate